Grant Directories

Barts and the London Charity - Seed Grant (London)
Barts Charity

Barts Charity's Seed Grants are awards of up to £75,000 for new, innovative projects that will provide a step-change in the care patients receive. Seed Grants must fit into one of the following themes: Enhancement in Service Delivery (such as a piece of equipment or a new initiative that will improve patient care): Patient and Community Engagem...

Barts Charity's Seed Grants are awards of up to £75,000 for new, innovative projects that will provide a step-change in the care patients receive. Seed Grants must fit into one of the following themes: Enhancement in Service Delivery (such as a piece of equipment or a new initiative that will improve patient care): Patient and Community Engagem...

Barts Charity's Seed Grants are awards of up to £75,000 for new, innovative projects that will provide a step-change in the care patients receive. Seed Grants must fit into one of the following themes: Enhancement in Service Delivery (such as a piece of equipment or a new initiative that will improve patient care): Patient and Community Engagem...

Application Status: Open to applications