Grant Directories

City Bridge Trust – Positive Transitions (London)
City Bridge Trust

The City Bridge Trust (CBT) Positive Transitions programme aims to support work that will enable Londoners experiencing inequality and disadvantage to make important transitions in their lives. The fund aims to enable these transitions to be positive for the individuals, give them greater choice and control over their lives and result in a reduc...

The City Bridge Trust (CBT) Positive Transitions programme aims to support work that will enable Londoners experiencing inequality and disadvantage to make important transitions in their lives. The fund aims to enable these transitions to be positive for the individuals, give them greater choice and control over their lives and result in a reduc...

The City Bridge Trust (CBT) Positive Transitions programme aims to support work that will enable Londoners experiencing inequality and disadvantage to make important transitions in their lives. The fund aims to enable these transitions to be positive for the individuals, give them greater choice and control over their lives and result in a reduc...

Application Status: Closed to applications