Grant News

Funding to Support Community Transport Schemes for the Disabled (UK)

Charities and organisations working in the Community Transport sector catering for disabled people can apply for grants ranging from £100,000 to £4 million to expand and improve community transport options.  The funding is being made available through the charity Motability who are focussing their grant making on:

  • Funding support for staff or volunteer training and costs.
  • Funding to increase the number of vehicles available in the community to help organisations support disabled people.
  • Funding local, regional, or national initiatives to increase awareness of community transport and influence its inclusion in transport strategy and policy.
  • Funding to schemes, programmes and initiatives that already exist, and who provide best practice solutions, but need further support to remain operational or scale up the service they can provide to help more disabled people.

There is a two stage application process.  Stage 1 applications can be submitted at any time and will be accessed within 4 weeks. Organisations successful at this stage will be invited to submit a stage 2 application.

The programme will run until March 2025.


Useful Links:

Community Transport Grant Programme - Guidance for Applicants

General Terms and Conditions

11th October 2022