Local Funding

East Cambridgeshire Arts Development Grants
Arts Development in East Cambridgeshire (AdeC)
Grants are available to organisations in East Cambridgeshire that wish to organise an arts event.

There are two ways in which ADeC may be able to help you finance your event. These may be in the form of outright grants, or underwriting for events in the form of guarantees against loss.

The type of activities supported include those which:

• encourage outreach and community work

• develop new audiences

• help to redress inequalities in arts provision throughout the District

• make special provision for people with disabilities

• make special provision for children and young people

• include new and innovative work

• involve participatory events
Any group or individual intending to promote arts activity within East Cambridgeshire or which directly benefits residents of East Cambridgeshire.
ADeC will not normally underwrite all the costs of an event, nor offer guarantees over £1000 or grants over £500.
Babylon Gallery
Babylon Bridge
Cambridgeshire CB7 4AY

Email: info@adec.org.uk