Grant Directories
Cadant Foundation (UK) |
The 7Stars Foundation - Project Grants (UK) The7stars Foundation supports the most challenged young people in the United Kingdom. Assisting forgotten young people aged 16 years and under, lacking opportunity, to achieve their potential. The funding is available to support projects that support young people challenged by abuse; addiction; those who are young carers; and those who are homeless. |
Cumbria Community Foundation - Violet Laidlaw Trust Fund (Carlisle) The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Violet Laidlaw Trust Fund the foundation provide grants of between £500 and £1,000 to support people made homeless as a result of alcohol and drug addiction, domestic violence, family breakdown and mental ill health in Cumbria. Priority will be given to applicants from Carlisle. |
Isla Foundation - Tipping Point Grant (UK) The Isla Foundation focuses on serving grassroots organisations and individuals that provide vital help to the most vulnerable in society. Through the Tipping Point Grant programme the foundation provides grants of up to £40,000 to organisations offering creative solutions to homelessness. |
Cumbria Community Foundation - The Robinson Family Fund (West Cumbria and Barrow) The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Robinson Family Fund, the Foundation provides grants of up to £2,000 for charitable and not-for-profit organisations in Cumbria which support the homeless, people with drug or alcohol addictions, and people with a physical disability; and for aspiring young sportspeople aged 15-25 years old who need support to help them achieve their potential. Priority will be given to groups and individuals in West Cumbria and Barrow. |
Community Foundation for Lancashire - Nationwide Building Society Community Grants (Lancashire) The Community Foundation for Lancashire exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Nationwide Building Society Community Grants programme the foundation provides funding of up to £50,000 to local housing projects that will strengthen local communities by supporting the most vulnerable by: Preventing people from losing their home; Helping people in to a home; Supporting people to thrive within the home environment. |
Community Foundation for Lancashire - John Laing Charitable Trust Fund (Lancashire) The Community Foundation for Lancashire exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the John Laing Charitable Trust Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £1,000 to small grassroots groups with projects that address any of the following: Homelessness; Disadvantaged young people (aged 4 – 18); Education; Community regeneration which should include charities benefitting the aged. |
Community Foundation for Merseyside - Hill Dickinson Foundation (Merseyside) The Community Foundation for Merseyside exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Hill Dickinson Foundation programme the Community Foundation for Merseyside provides grants of up to £1,000 to projects that address the following priorities: Homelessness, mental health, resilience and confidence (particularly among women). |
Community Foundation for Merseyside - The ACC Liverpool Group Foundation (Merseyside) The Community Foundation for Merseyside exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the ACC Liverpool Group Foundation programme the foundation provides grants of up to £1,000 to local community groups and voluntary organisations. The fund wishes to encourage local community groups and voluntary organisations to apply for grants for projects aimed at supporting and targeting key community groups and diverse communities including LGBTQ+, BAME and hard to reach groups. |
Foundation Derbyshire - The Walbrook Fund (Derbyshire) Foundation Derbyshire exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Walbrook Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £2,500 to support community activity that directly helps those facing disadvantage. The fund aims to focus on the following: Groups working in geographical areas of HIGH disadvantage, where people are facing acute economic difficulties; Groups working with some of the most vulnerable people in the community such as elderly isolated people, individuals with mental health problems or disability, or people facing homelessness. |
Foundation Derbyshire - Jefford Weller Fund (Derbyshire) Foundation Derbyshire exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Jefford Weller Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £2,500 to provide financial assistance to any community and voluntary organisation tackling homelessness issues and / or addressing housing problems. |
The Albert Hunt Trust (UK) The Albert Hunt Trust is a grant giving charitable trust that supports local charities throughout the United Kingdom. The Trust will consider applications from registered charities, organisations and projects based in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that provide Hospice Care; provide support for the Homeless and promote health and well being; including physical and learning disabilities, physical and mental health, plus social challenges and deprivation. |
Nationwide Foundation - Backing Community-Led Housing (UK) The Nationwide Foundation aims to increase the availability of good quality, affordable homes in the places where they are most needed. Through the Community-led housing programme, the Foundation will support communities to build new homes, create homes from empty properties, protect existing decent, affordable homes and provide homes of all types of tenure. |
Nationwide Foundation - Nurturing Ideas to Change the Housing System (UK) The Nationwide Foundation aims to increase the availability of good quality, affordable homes in the places where they are most needed. Through the Nurturing Ideas to Change the Housing System programme the Nationwide Foundation will support imaginative and different ideas about how to deliver the right sort of housing or housing support, which can tackle systemic failings in the housing system. |
The Hodge Foundation (UK) The Hodge Foundation provides grants of up to £100,000 to UK registered or exempt charities such as special needs schools and universities for projects that address the objectives of the Foundation. This includes supporting charities working with people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged and who need assistance to improve their lives; education and learning, both within formal school settings and practical approaches to learning which support young people to fulfill their potential and thrive including those with special needs; medical related charities specialising in the treatment and support for specific illnesses and research; and providing funds towards projects such as facilities in church buildings and inclusive activities for the wider community.
CHK Charities Limited (UK with a preference for the West Midlands) CHK Charities Limited provides funding that aims to ‘make a difference'; it does not support individuals or very small and narrowly specialised activities. Preference is given to National or West Midlands charities. Applications can be made for assistance with core costs or for a specific project. This could include a contribution towards a building/refurbishment project, purchase of specialist equipment, other similar capital expenditure or assistance with running costs. The following are some of the categories for which funding can be provided: Artistic Causes; Conservation/Preservation; Care of the Elderly; Crime prevention; Disabled/Handicapped Treatment and Care; Drug Prevention and Treatment; Education; Employment and Job Creation; General Welfare and Social Problems. Please see website for a comprehensive list. |
Alec Dickson Trust (UK) The Alec Dickson Trust provides funding for volunteering projects run by young people under the age of 30. Funding of up to £500 is available for projects that meet the following criteria: Run by a young volunteer or team of young volunteers; take place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales; encourages volunteering; benefit disadvantaged communities and individuals. The fund seeks to support projects that enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society such as; the homeless; those with drug dependency problems; and people with disabilities. Funding is not available for overseas trips or gap year projects, uniforms, equipment or training for personal benefit. |
CRASH (England and Wales) CRASH is the construction and property industry's charity; they assist homelessness charities and hospices with construction related projects. CRASH can help in three ways: they offer free of charge professional expertise and advice - this can include specialisms such as architects, quantity surveyors and specialist engineers; building materials - free of charge from supporting suppliers; Cash grants - grants are available of between £5,000 and £50,000 to complete discrete pieces of work. To be eligible you must be a registered UK charity with a legal interest in the building which must be used to deliver services to single homeless men and women over 18, or to provide hospice care for people of all ages. |
Help the Homeless (UK) Help the Homeless, a national Charity which aims to help homeless people throughout the United Kingdom to resume a normal life, has announced that its grant programme is open to applications from small and medium sized charities and voluntary organisations . Grants of up to £5,000 are available towards capital costs to support projects that assist disadvantaged individuals in their return to mainstream society, through residential or training facilities. All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance. Grants to larger charities may be considered if the project is suitably innovative and only possible for a larger organisation to develop. There are four application deadlines a year. |
Quaker Housing Trust Grant (UK) The Quaker Housing Trust supports social housing projects that would find it difficult to find funding elsewhere. The trust supports registered charities and small organisations that are meeting local housing needs for people of any age who are vulnerable and in housing need. The projects are mainly small and generally volunteer-led, often with support from local Quakers. Trustees are particularly interested in housing projects that meet the needs of individuals who are vulnerable at points of transition in their lives. Four specific grants are available: Health Check Service Grant; Feasibility Study Grant; Environmental Assessment Grant; Dissemination of Good Practice Grant. See funder's website for further details. |
Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation Grant (UK) The Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation will consider applications for community based projects which aim to provide relief of suffering, hardship or poverty, or their direct consequences. The Foundation primarily provides funding towards practical items that directly support those in need including those with disabilities, affected by homelessness, or with serious health issues. Donations usually fund items of "capital expenditure". |
Drapers' Charitable Fund Grant (UK) The Drapers' Company aims to improve the quality of life and expectations of people and their communities within the UK, particularly those disadvantaged or socially excluded. Most of the support is focused in Greater London and covers the following areas: Social Welfare - including homelessness, prisoners, ex-service personnel, support for the elderly, carers, community and family services, disabled adults; Education and Training - projects which raise the aspirations or help to realise the full potential of disadvantaged young people under 25 years old; Textiles and Heritage - including textile conservation, projects within the textile industry, museums, memorials and monuments relating to the armed forces, history of London or the textile trade. There is no minimum or maximum grant; grants are normally awarded for sums up to £15,000. |
Streetsmart Grants (UK) The main objective of Streetsmart is aimed at helping the homeless to make a better life for themselves, focussing on mental and physical health, employability and sustainable independent living. Grants are given to those who support people through the crucial stages in their progress from vagrant to valued community member. StreetSmart supports a wide range of homeless organisations that operate within the cities in which the campaign runs. Every penny raised in each city is spent only in that city. Homeless charities seeking funding from StreetSmart should submit their application in writing during December. If the project meets their criteria, they will then arrange for a StreetSmart representative to visit the project at some point during January and February and report back to the trustees. |
Lotus Foundation Grant (UK) The Lotus Foundation's primary objectives are to offer financial aid and assistance to facilitate family and child welfare, women's issues, animal protection, addiction recovery and education. The Foundation wishes to fund projects which support, participate in and promote charitable projects aimed at advancing social welfare in diverse areas including, but not limited to: substance abuse, cerebral palsy, brain tumors, cancer, battered women and their children, homelessness and animals in need. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time. |
Sobell Foundation Grant (UK) The Sobell Foundation Grant focuses on children, the sick, elderly, needy and disabled. The Trustees aim to achieve a reasonable spread between Jewish charities (operating principally in the U.K. and Israel) and non-Jewish charities operating in the UK. The foundation concentrate their funding on small national or local charities. Funding is restricted to charities working in the following areas: Medical care and treatment, including respite care and hospices, Care for physically and mentally disabled adults and children, Education and training for adults and children with physical and learning disabilities, Care and support of the elderly, Care and support for children and Homelessness. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time. |
Woodward Charitable Trust - Small Grants (England) The Woodward Charitable Trust is one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. Applications will only be considered if they fall within the following areas; Children and Young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour; Disadvantaged families, this covers parenting support and guidance, mental health, food poverty, refuges and domestic violence projects. Prisoners and ex-offenders and specifically projects that maintain and develop contact with prisoners’ families and help with the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders after their release. The Trust offers three schemes; Small grants, Large Grants and Summer Playschemes. The majority of grants are for less than £5,000. |
Clothworkers' Foundation Grant Scheme - Main Grants Programme (UK) The Clothworkers' Foundation aims to use its funding to improve the quality of life for people and communities that face disadvantage. The Main Grants Programme offers capital grants of over £1,000 and is open to charities with a turnover of under £15 million. The type of projects supported by the charity includes alcohol and substance misuse ; disability; disadvantaged young people; domestic and sexual violence, support for the elderly; homelessness; disadvantaged minority communities; helping prisoners and ex-offenders; visual impairment and textiles. |
Rayne Foundation Grants Programme (UK) The Rayne Foundation offers grants to tackle entrenched social issues through the arts, health, wellbeing, and education. The foundation has a particular focus on connecting communities, building bridges between marginalised groups and mainstream society, and enabling individuals to reach their full potential. The annual grant making programme is in the region of £1.5 million and grants typically fall in the range of £10,000 to £20,000 per annum for up to three years. Funding is available both for capital and revenue expenditure. |
Poppy Fund (UK) The Royal British Legion provides lifelong support for the armed forces community - serving men and women, veterans, and their families. It can provide grants and loans to those who are suffering financial hardship. Priority is given to projects in the areas of employment and training; family support; homelessness and outreach; mental wellbeing; and supporting the elderly to live independently. Examples of the activities that can be funded include providing a support or welfare service and capital projects, for example, to build a facility or to purchase equipment for the benefit of Royal British Legion beneficiaries. |