Accessibility and Access Key Details

Grants Online - Local has been designed to be accessible to all users, irrespective of browser type, speed of connection or physical ability, and to meet conformance level Double-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG). Conformance to these Guidelines will help make the Web more accessible to users with disabilities and will benefit all users. You can find out more about these guidelines by following the W3C-WCAG logo at the foot of the page.

Access Key System

Using Access Keys

Depending on your operating system and browser type use one of the following:


  1. With Windows-based systems, in general, press the "Alt" key and the relevant access key:
    • if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter at the same time
    • if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or 6 then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter, then press the "Enter" key
    • if you are using Netscape version 6 or later, or Mozilla, then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter at the same time
  2. With Macintosh-based systems, press the "Ctrl" key and the relevant access key

W3C Web Standards

An integral part of conforming to the W3C Accessibility Guidelines is the adherence to W3C Web Standards in the design and coding of all web pages on Grants Online Local. By designing to Web Standards, the informational content of web pages becomes accessible to many more people, irrespective of their physical ability or the internet browsing device that they may be using.