Grant Directories

Found 21 results in total
Ogden Trust - School Partnerships (UK)

The Ogden Trust are a charitable trust that exists to promote the teaching and learning of physics. The School Partnerships programme offers funding and support to groups of schools that are committed to enhancing physics teaching and learning. In secondary education the programme aims to: increase the number of students taking physics at GSCE, A-level and at university, particularly for under-privileged and under-represented students; support teachers of physics, particularly for those without a subject specialism and those teaching in state schools in remote rural areas, or areas of social deprivation. In primary education the programme aims to: raise the profile of science in the primary curriculum, with the emphasis on physical processes enhance teachers’ confidence in the planning, delivery and assessment of primary science (physical processes); support science subject leaders in creating a sustainable network.

The Ogden Trust - Physics Education Grant (UK)

The Ogden Trust are a charitable trust that exists to promote the teaching and learning of physics. The Trust do this by enabling innovative physics teaching to take place in, and collaboratively between, schools, often forging links to universities. Through the Physics Education Grants programme the trust awards a small number of grants (of up to £5,000) to schools, colleges and other organisations who wish to carry out projects or activities that support the teaching and learning of physics. Projects must be clearly based around physics and developed with current evidence in mind – part-funding may be considered for general science projects where there is a clear physics component.

Ministry of Defence - Education Support Fund (UK)

State funded schools that cater for pupils of military service families can apply for to help meet the needs of pupils that are subject to exceptional mobility as a result of the family moving from one location to another resulting in a change of school for the child and/or have service children whose parents are subject to deployment such as on operational tours, long exercises, training courses etc. 

Royal Society of Biology – Outreach and Engagement Grants (UK)

The Royal Society of Biology (RSB) Regional grant scheme allows individual members of the RSB to apply directly for funding to help run an event or activity in their region. All events that promote biology, and engage people with subjects in the life sciences, their study or application, will be considered. Grants of up to £500 are available and funding can be used for: Promotion, publicity and marketing materials; Room equipment and facility hire; Equipment and resources to increase capacity to deliver events and activities; Speaker or presenter costs; Travel Costs

The NINEVEH Charitable Trust (UK)

The NINEVEH Charitable Trust supports a broad range of UK based projects and activities that promote: The health, welfare and education of the general public; The study and appreciation of agriculture, horticulture, silviculture and land and estate management; The study and appreciation of ecology & land conservation; The study and appreciation of forms of agricultural practice or land management that would encourage the preservation of the countryside. UK Registered charities and Community Interest Companies can apply for one-off payments or funding to support longer-term more complex projects.

UK-German Connection Partnership Bursaries (UK)

UK-German Connection is offering schools special partnership bursaries of £1,000 (to UK and partner German schools). Grants are available to UK schools to help to sustain their existing partnerships with German schools. Schools that have had joint activities with German schools can apply and to be eligible for funding the school must show evidence of joint plans.

Wilmcote Charitrust (UK)

The Wilmcote Charitrust gives grants to Registered Charities and voluntary organisations working for the relief of poverty, sickness, old age and distress, the advancement of religion and education and such other charitable objects as considered appropriate by the trustees. Grants are made to a range of organisations including those whose work benefits ex-service personnel, medical charities, young person's charities, colleges and schools, religious charities and those that help the aged.

Edge Foundation Innovation and Development Fund (UK)

The Edge foundation is an independent education charity who believes that "learning by doing" should be valued equally with academic learning and that all learners should experience a mix of both. The Edge Foundation Innovation and Development Fund is a new £1million grant programme with the objective of supporting innovation and development within technical, practical and vocational learning. All applications for funding must address at least two of the following: support the creation of new institutions; support the development of profound employer engagement; address areas of skills shortages for the UK economy. Grant amounts vary by project but previous awards have been up to £100,000.

St James Place Foundation (UK)

The St James Place Foundation supports projects which fall within the following themes: Supporting Young People with special needs - supporting projects that provide directly for young people (under the age of 25) within the UK who suffer from physical or mental health difficulties or conditions, or a life threatening or degenerative illness, or are disadvantaged; Supporting disadvantaged young people; Supporting people with cancer. Funding of up to £10,000 is available to registered charities and special needs schools

P Leigh Bramwell Trust (UK)

P Leigh Bramwell Trust provides grants for the advancement of the Christian religion, education, the RNLI, the advancement of health or saving lives and any other legal charitable institutions. Grants are made across the UK but priority is given to North West of England especially Bolton and Manchester

Woodland Trust - Free Trees (UK)

The Woodland Trust has free tree packs to give away to schools, community and youth groups. The free tree packs are available for planting on one publicly accessible site. Packs will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. All applicants need to do is find a suitable site and supply the volunteer planters and tree protection. Tree packs for schools and communities offer the perfect opportunity to bring people together to plant trees - encouraging local wildlife, protecting our landscape against tree disease and creating beautiful wooded areas that people can enjoy for years to come.

The Galloway Association of Glasgow (Galloway)

The Association considers requests for assistance each year, and selects those that are deemed to be appropriate to the aims and objectives of the Association. Grants may be approved by the Trustees where they are considered to advance the future wellbeing of residents of Galloway but are not connected to the advancement of any business project. The Association supports projects for the arts, education, non-commercial groups and individuals.

Edina Trust - Science Grant Scheme (England, Scotland and Wales)

The Edina Trust provides grants to support science education in primary schools across specific areas in the UK. Their funding focuses on enhancing practical science experiences, offering support for resources, workshops, field trips, and gardening projects to promote scientific curiosity among young children. Eligible schools can apply to receive grants for a variety of science-related projects, particularly aimed at enriching hands-on learning.

Doris Field Charitable Trust (UK with a preference for Oxfordshire)

The Trust makes one-off and recurrent grants to large UK organisations and small local projects for a wide variety of causes. Although grants can be awarded UK wide, the trust favours local causes in Oxfordshire. Trustees meet 3 times a year to consider applications.

Alice McCosh Trust (UK)

The object of the Alice McCosh Trust is to advance education by providing or assisting with grants for work or study related to natural history and/or the environment. It is anticipated that the Trustees will award a grant in the region of £600 to £1000. The grant could, for example, cover the cost of a school field trip or project, an expedition as part of a research project or the development of new teaching materials for schools or institutes of higher education.

Biochemical Society - Science Outreach Grants (UK)

Through the Biochemical Society Science Outreach Grants Programme grants of up to £1,000 are available to support scientific outreach events that communicate the excitement of molecular bioscience to young people and the community. Applications for funding are invited to assist with the direct costs associated with an event and expenses incurred (e.g. transport and/or teacher cover).  The Biochemical Society must be acknowledged at the event and in the resources produced. Copies of all materials generated should be submitted to the Society to disseminate to others where appropriate. A short report of the activity and list of attendees is a condition of the grant. There are two round of applications per year, in September and April.  

Institute of Physics - Public Engagement Grant Scheme (UK)

The Institute of Physics is a leading scientific society and charitable organisation, their aim is to advance physics education, research and application by providing positive and compelling experiences of physics to public audiences through engaging and entertaining activities and events. They also engage with policymakers and the general public to develop awareness and understanding of the value of physics. The Institute's public engagement grant scheme is designed to give financial support of up to £5,000 to individuals and organisations running physics-based events and activities.

Awards for Young Musicians (UK)

Through the Awards for Young Musicians, grants of between £100 and £2,000 are available to support major costs of the musician's training such as; lessons; buying instruments; travel; specialist's courses. Grants will be made directly to institutions, music organisations music teachers and other suppliers. The Awards for Young Musicians programme supports young people aged between 5 and 17 living in the UK and who are instrumentalists, are in financial need or have exceptional musical talent and potential.

JMK Young Director's Award (UK)

Each year, the JMK Trust provides talented young and emerging theatre directors with awards, guidance and development opportunities. Applicants must be UK residents under 35 years of age, must not have directed more than two professional productions, including fringe, have professional training in performing arts and must not be a student. As the basis of their proposal, applicants must choose one play from a new list of plays available by emailing The Award constitutes a production budget of £25,000 plus space for your production at the Orange Tree Theatre. Runner up prizes of £2,000 may also be awarded.

Volunteering Support Fund (Scotland)

The Voluntary Action Fund (VAF) is a long-established independent grant-making body which invests in voluntary organisations and community groups across Scotland. The Volunteering Support Programme supports third sector organisations to create new volunteering projects to; increase the diversity of their volunteers (especially those experiencing disadvantage); and improve opportunities, skills and personal development through volunteering. The Fund also helps organisations enhance their services and improve their capacity to deploy, support and train volunteers. Grants are available to organisations with an income of less than £250,000.

Action Medical Research Grant Programmes (UK)

Action Medical Research is a grant giving charity that provides funding for vital medical research in hospitals or research institutions across the UK. The focus is on child health to include problems affecting pregnancy, childbirth, babies, children and young people. A broad spectrum of research is supported with the objective of preventing disease and disability and alleviating physical disability. The emphasis is on clinical research but the research and development of equipment and techniques to improve diagnosis, therapy and assistive technology (including orthoses, prostheses and aids to daily living) can also be funded.