Grant Directories
Cheshire Community Foundation - SWEF Enterprise Fund (Cheshire) The Cheshire Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the SWEF Enterprise Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £2,000 to young entrepreneurs in Cheshire and Warrington, aged between 18-30. These grants can be used on costs to support a newly formed business, including equipment, training, specific marketing costs, and product development. |
Cumbria Community Foundation - Rowan Community First Fund (Cumbria) The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Rowan Community First Fund the foundation provides grants for charitable groups supporting social action at a local level in Cumbria, with a focus on the young, the elderly, and training for the unemployed. Priority will be given to projects which: support the education of children and young people; provide training to help people get back into employment; support social action at a local level; are run by groups in the Eden area. |
Cumbria Community Foundation - Thomas Milburn Fund for West Cumbria (Copeland) The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Thomas Milburn Fund for West Cumbria, the Foundation provides grants of up to £10,000 for community groups to relieve unemployment among those aged 17-28 in Copeland, helping them into education, training and work, including assistance to find employment by the provision of advice, training and skills courses and support. |
Community Foundation for Lancashire - The BIBAs Foundation (Lancashire) The Community Foundation for Lancashire exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the BIBAs Foundation programme the foundation provides grants of up to £5,000 to enable young people aged 16-24 to flourish, learn and develop skills or knowledge- particularly to encourage enterprise; continue or expand their work experience; build their capacity for the future. Projects that improve confidence levels which can help towards future employment and enterprise prospects can be considered also. |
Youth Futures Foundation - Impact Grants (England) The Youth Futures Foundation aims to transform the lives of young people by unlocking potential and addressing the root causes of youth unemployment. With a £90 million endowment from the Reclaim fund, the Foundation will support cutting edge solutions and like-minded people to harness the potential of all young people missing out on meaningful employment. Through the Impact grants programme the Foundation is looking to find, fund, support and evaluate promising practice. Funding will go to organisations working with young people aged 14-24 to help overcome barriers to finding meaningful work. The Foundations is looking for approaches that can be tested, evaluated and, where proven to be effective, expanded to more young people. |
Youth Futures Foundation - Development Grants (England) The Youth Futures Foundation aims to transform the lives of young people by unlocking potential and addressing the root causes of youth unemployment. With a £90 million endowment from the Reclaim fund, the Foundation will support cutting edge solutions and like-minded people to harness the potential of all young people missing out on meaningful employment. Through the Development grants programme the Foundation is looking to find, fund, support and evaluate promising practice. Funding will go to organisations working with young people aged 14-24 to help overcome barriers to finding meaningful work. The Foundations is looking for approaches that can be tested, evaluated and, where proven to be effective, expanded to more young people. |
Youth Futures Foundation - Grants to Support Infrastructure Organisations (England) The Youth Futures Foundation aims to transform the lives of young people by unlocking potential and addressing the root causes of youth unemployment. With a £90 million endowment from the Reclaim fund, the Foundation will support cutting edge solutions and like-minded people to harness the potential of all young people missing out on meaningful employment. Through the Grants to Support Infrastructure Organisations the Foundation is seeking to fund and evaluate infrastructure organisations that support the needs of frontline organisations across England delivering effective solutions to youth unemployment. |
The National Lottery Community Fund - Building Better Opportunities (England) The National Lottery Community Fund is matching funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects tackling the root causes of poverty, promoting social inclusion and driving local jobs and growth. The National Lottery Community Fund expect the funding to be delivered in 38 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas according to local priorities, which have been set by the LEPs, and will support projects ranging from improving employability for the most disadvantaged, helping those with multiple and complex needs, to improving financial literacy. |
Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (England) Small Enterprises recruiting 16 – 24 year olds can now apply for apprenticeship grants of up to £1,500 the AGE 16 to 24 programme. Priority will be given to small employers with less than 50 employees and the Government expects to support at least 40,000 of these employers to recruit an apprentice for the first time. The £1,500 is in addition to the training costs of the Apprenticeship framework which are met in full for young people aged 16 to 18 and 50% for those aged 19 to 24. It is expected that most employers will want to access AGE 16 to 24 to support the recruitment of one apprentice. However subject to budget availability and the employer’s commitment to support the apprentice to the end of their programme, up to 5 grants can be made to any one employer. |