Grant Directories
Police & Crime Commissioner for Gwent (Wales) Police & Crime Commissioner for Gwent has established two funds through which grant awards are made to organisations or bodies that can assist in delivering the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan. The funding is available to community groups, charities and voluntary organisations involved in activities that have a positive impact on the communities they serve in Gwent whilst at the same time preventing and reducing crime as well as taking more effective action to tackle anti-social behaviour. |
Police & Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys - Commissioners Fund (Wales) The Commissioner's Fund of the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Dyfed-Powys offers assistance of between £5,000 and £10,000 for charities, voluntary organisations, community groups as well as the public and private sectors to develop ideas that have a positive impact on the safety and security of local communities. Successful projects must reflect the Commissioner’s key priorities for the communities of Dyfed-Powys: Keeping communities safe, safeguarding the vulnerable, protecting communities from serious threats, and connecting with communities. Grants can pay for essentials such as educational toys, sports gear, publicity material, training, transport costs, venue hire, volunteer expenses or running costs. |
UnLtd Awards (UK) UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and supports individuals who have their social ventures firmly rooted in delivering positive social change. It operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from awards of funding to ongoing advice, networking and practical support. UnLtd resource community entrepreneurs to start-up; support those with more established social ventures to scale up; and are committed to developing an eco-system of support to make it easier for those who need help to find it. UnLtd offers a number of programmes with varying levels of funding and support. Please refer to the funder's website for details. |
The National Lottery Community Fund - Awards for All (Wales) Voluntary and community groups, schools, community and town councils and health bodies can apply for grants of between £300 and £20,000 for projects which help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. Projects must meet at least one of their three aims; bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities; improve the places and spaces that matter to communities; help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage. Funding is available for activities including: putting on events, activities or performances; buying equipment; running training courses; starting a new group; educational toys and games; volunteer's expenses or professional fees; transport costs and refurbishment. |