Grant Directories
The Royal Countryside Fund - Supporting Rural Communities Grant Programme (UK) This UK-wide grant programme supports transformative, community-led initiatives in rural areas. It aims to inspire change and encourage economic vibrancy by funding innovative solutions. The programme targets projects that align with themes such as keeping young people in the countryside, powering up rural communities, increasing environmental sustainability, and building emergency resilience. Isolated rural areas where alternative services are unavailable receive focused support. Projects must be community-led, demonstrating a clear understanding of local needs and showcasing characteristics like long-term vision, collaboration, and innovation. |
The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund – Small Grants Programme (UK) The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund (PWCF) is a grant making organisation which aims to transform lives and build sustainable communities across the UK by funding a wide range of good causes within their core funding themes: Heritage & Conservation, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Environment and Countryside. Through the Small Grants Programme, the PWCF will award grants of up to £5,000 to not-for-profit organisations with an income of up to £1 million. The average award is £1,500. Priority will be given to organisations of which HRH The Prince of Wales is Patron. Applications can be made at any time and will be considered by the Small Grant committee at their quarterly meetings. |
The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund – Major Grants Programme (UK) The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund is a grant making organisation which aims to transform lives and build sustainable communities across the UK by funding a wide range of good causes within their core funding themes: Heritage & Conservation, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Environment and Countryside. The Major Grants Programme will award grants of over £5,000 to not-for-profit organisations. Organisations can apply for major grants by invitation only. |
National Lottery Grants for Heritage - Community Woodlands (Wales) The National Lottery Heritage Fund uses money raised by players of the National Lottery to fund projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK. The Community Woodlands programme is a capital grant scheme intended to restore, create, connect and manage woodlands in Wales. The programme is jointly funded by the Welsh Government and The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Grants are available of £10,000–£250,000 for capital projects that will restore, enhance and in some instances acquire land to create new community woodlands in Wales. |
D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust - Grants for the Environment (UK) The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust was established in for the advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement. Through the Environment programme the Trust aims to protect the countryside, species and habitats as well as well as the UKs heritage and rural crafts and skills. |
Viridor & Prosiect Gwyrdd Community Fund (Wales) Viridor has committed to make £50,000 a year available for the Viridor & Prosiect Gwyrdd Community to support projects across Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport and Vale of Glamorgan. This scheme will be funded for the next 25 years. Charities, and properly constituted not-for-profit groups, can apply for funding of up to £3,000 to deliver projects that positively impact their local community. Funding decisions are based on a set of criteria around sustainability, local need, community involvement, value for money and education and will be made at meetings held quarterly in the first week of March, June, September and November. The closing date for each quarter will be one month before the meeting. |