Grant Directories
Football Foundation - Goalposts Grant (England and Wales) The Goalposts Grant provides financial support for purchasing new or replacement goalposts for grassroots football. Grants of up to £25,000 are available to eligible non-profit organizations, including football clubs, local authorities, and educational establishments that serve the community. The grant covers specific types of goalposts and aims to enhance football facilities at the community level. The grant aims to support football clubs and related entities in acquiring goalposts. |
One Stop Community Partnership Programme (UK) The One Stop Community Partnership Programme provides grants of up to £1,000 to local community groups that are situated within 2 miles of a One Stop Store. Funding is available for community groups or organisations working in the following areas: Tackling food poverty; Supporting the vulnerable; Supporting the elderly; Supporting low-income families; Supporting a healthier lifestyle, such as Youth sports teams. Once funding has been agreed, alongside a grant of up to £1,000, a long-term tailored programme of support is created for successful applicants by the One Stop Community team and One Stop Store team. Grant recipients then work in partnership with the One Stop Store team at their local shop to deliver this programme. |
England and Wales Cricket Board - County Grants Fund (England & Wales) The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is the national governing body for all cricket in England and Wales, supporting the game at every level – from grassroots to elite level. Through the County Grants Fund the ECB aims to support affiliated cricket clubs to create welcoming environments, provide enhanced facilities and playing opportunities, and to help clubs tackle the impact of climate change. Funding of between £1,000 and £10,000 is available |
Be Active Wales Fund - Progress programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Progress Programme is intended to help progress sport and activity to the next step and support long-term sustainability. The Progress grant can also fund items that are essential for a return to play. This grant is intended to help clubs and organisations work towards three principles: Tackling inequality; Creating long-term solutions to be more sustainable; Taking innovative approaches. |
Be Active Wales Fund - Prepare programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Prepare programme will provide financial support to help prepare clubs and community organisations or groups to restart, respond to, or grow participation, in direct response to Covid-19. Applications will be considered up to £50,000 (minimum £300) and should support expenditure on: Helping the club or organisation to re-open facilities so that people can take part. This could be putting in place measures to take part indoors or outdoors and follow social distancing rules; Resources that help the club or organisation meet Government and public health guidance on social distancing; Giving people the confidence to take part and encouraging members or participants to return to the club; Encouraging more people to take part; Capital works, such as improvements, adaptations, safety measures or innovations needed to buildings or facilities ... |
Be Active Wales Fund - Protect Programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Protect programme has been developed to help community sport and physical activity organisations that are unable to meet their financial obligations. For example, for fixed costs that are no longer supported with revenue as a result of coronavirus. This might cover expenditure on: Rent; Utility costs; Insurances; Facility or equipment hire (where there is a fixed cost); Activities or costs that cannot be covered by Government funding sources. |
Coalfields Regeneration Trust – Game on Wales (Wales) The Coalfields Regeneration Trust is the leading regeneration organisation dedicated to improving the quality of life in Britain’s former mining communities. Through the Game on Wales grant programme the trust provides funding of up to £750 to get more young people (13-19) from Welsh coalfield communities to play sports. |
Sport Wales – Place for Sport (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Place for Sport funding scheme aims to provide grants to improve, protect or create new sporting facilities in Wales. |
Magic Little Grants (UK) Localgiving has teamed up with the Postcode Community Trust to provide the Magic Little Grants programme. The fund provides small charities and community groups with grants of £500 for projects that meet either of the following themes: Overcoming barriers to participation in physical activities in creative ways; Increasing social cohesion through developing access to sports and other recreational activities. |
Enovert Community Trust (UK) Enovert Community Trust (formerly Cory Environmental Trust in Britain) is an Environmental body which supports community and environmental projects. The Trust awards grants under the terms of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), providing funding to a broad range of projects that have a positive impact on local communities. The Trust is committed to supporting community and environmental projects across the UK. These include improving community halls, the creation of new play areas and skate parks, and restoring green spaces. Fundraising by applicants is looked upon favourably by the Trustees. Applicants will need to secure a 10% third party contribution which will be payable to Enovert Limited prior to the project commencing. |
Angling Improvement Fund (England) The Angling Trust is the organisation that represents all game, coarse and sea anglers and angling in England and Wales. The Angling Trust, supported by the Environment Agency has launched the Angling Improvement Fund which re-invests part of the proceeds of coarse, trout and eel fishing licence sales in England in projects that directly benefit anglers. The types of projects supported include: Fish protection and predation management; Spring Maintenance and fishery improvements; Health amd Wellbeing benefits for older people. |
Transforming British Tennis Together (UK) The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) wants to help fund any project that makes it easier for new and existing players to actively participate in tennis. With a large focus on creating more covered and floodlit courts, we're working towards two major aims: Double the number of children playing tennis: Double the number of times infrequent adults play tennis. |
Cash4Clubs (UK) Any sports club that is registered with its sports' National Governing body or local authority can apply for up to £2,000 for staff and or volunteers to take part in training, gain qualifications and certifications related to sport or to help with the renovation of current facilities. Previous clubs supported include a new female basketball team and a sailing club wanting to kit out its new Yeoman 20 keelboat. No preference is given to types of sport or the age of people involved with the club, but sports clubs that play an active role in the community are preferred. |
Wilmcote Charitrust (UK) The Wilmcote Charitrust gives grants to Registered Charities and voluntary organisations working for the relief of poverty, sickness, old age and distress, the advancement of religion and education and such other charitable objects as considered appropriate by the trustees. Grants are made to a range of organisations including those whose work benefits ex-service personnel, medical charities, young person's charities, colleges and schools, religious charities and those that help the aged. |
Medlock Charitable Trust (UK with a preference for Somerset and Boston Lincolnshire) The Medlock Charitable Trust makes grants to organisations is the areas of Education &Training ; Medical & Health/Sickness ; Disability & Special Needs ; Accommodation & Housing; Arts & culture; Sport & recreation; Environment, Conservation & Heritage; and Economic, Community Development &Employment. Both primary and secondary schools in the eligible areas are able to apply. |
Canoe Foundation Grant (UK) The Canoe Foundation is a grant making trust which aims to ‘positively change lives through canoeing'. The foundations purpose over the next few years is to support all to enjoy and benefit from the experience of paddling on our water in a sustainable manner. They aim to do this by: Facilitating suitable launching and landing points to water and providing more opportunities for a modern diverse community to enjoy canoeing with improved facilities; Promoting and supporting the conservation of inland waterways, rivers, oceans and the environment whilst allowing water users to have an enjoyable and readily accessible experience.To acheive this the foundation is looking to support projects with grants of between £500 and £10,000 which create new or improved launching points in urban or rural locations or as part of a water trail, such as steps or pontoons; Incorporate better accessibility or facilities at waterside locations which might improve the parking or changing aspects of a s... |