Grant Directories
US Embassy - Public Diplomacy Grants Programme (UK) |
Taith Pathway 1 - Youth (Wales) Taith is Wales’ international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. Through the Pathway 1 Youth programme they will provide support for physical and virtual outward and inward mobility of young people aged 11-25, providing opportunities for short-term group mobilities to: participate in a learning exchange at a partner organisation and engage in youth participation activities with young people from a partner organisation.Taith will also fund short and long-term individual mobilities for young people aged 16-25 to: volunteer at a partner organisation or carry out a traineeship in a relevant organisation. The programme will also support the outward and inward mobility of staff and volunteers working in the field of youth, providing flexible opportunities to: provide training or facilitation of activities for participants at a partner organisation; job shadow at a partner organisation; ... |
The Turing Scheme – Schools (UK) The Turing Scheme is a new UK Government programme which will fund work or study abroad placements for UK students. UK primary or secondary schools, and national school consortiums can now apply for funding for pupils to take part in two types of placements abroad for the 2021-22 academic year: short-term placements lasting from three days to two months for pupils of any age; and long-term placements which can last from two to six months for pupils aged 14 and over. Funding will vary depending on the type of placement and the country visited, and will help to cover travel expenses, costs of living, and administrative funding for delivering the projects. |
The Turing Scheme – Higher Education (UK) The Turing Scheme is a new UK Government programme which will enable UK students to study and work abroad. Higher education providers registered in the UK can now apply for funding towards delivering placements and exchanges for the 2021-22 academic year. This will include funding to help cover travel expenses and costs of living, and administrative funding for delivering the projects. Current students can take part in a study or traineeship placement and those who have graduated within the last 12 months can carry out a traineeship abroad. Placements can last four weeks to 12 months. Funding will vary depending on the type of placement and the country visited. The deadline for applications is 4pm on the 21st April 2021. |
The Turing Scheme – Further Education & Vocational Education & Training (UK) The Turing Scheme is a new UK Government programme which will enable UK students to study and work abroad. UK Further education (FE) and vocational education and training (VET) providers, including colleges, schools, public authorities and organisations hosting, training or working with learners and apprentices in FE and VET can now apply for funding towards delivering placements and exchanges for the 2021-22 academic year. This will include providing funding to help cover travel expenses and costs of living, and administrative funding for delivering the projects. Placements can last from two weeks to 12 months. Funding will vary depending on the type of placement and the country visited. |
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (UK) The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust runs the Churchill Fellowships, a programme of overseas research grants. These support UK citizens from all parts of society to travel the world in search of innovative solutions for today’s most pressing problems. The Trust will fund individuals to spend up to two months overseas, meeting experts, visiting projects and learning new ideas. |
The British Academy - Newton Mobility Grants (UK/International) The British Academy is the UK’s national body for the humanities and social sciences – the study of peoples, cultures and societies, past, present and future. Through the Newton Mobility Grants programme the British Academy provides financial support for international researchers based in a country covered by the Newton Fund to establish and develop collaboration with UK researchers around a specific jointly defined research project. The grants intend to strengthen the research capacity/capability of and contribute to promoting economic development and social welfare in, the overseas country. |
Lloyd’s Register Foundation – Access to Research Infrastructure Scheme (International) The Lloyd’s Register Foundation is a UK charity established in 2012. Their mission is to protect the safety of life and property, and to advance transport and engineering education and research. The Foundation's Access to Research Infrastructure Scheme was established to help researchers access research infrastructure in support of studies leading to improved safety of life and property. The primary goal is to support researchers who would benefit from accessing world-class research infrastructure that is not available in their host institution or country and where the funding schemes available in their country of residence does not facilitate such access. Examples might include: researchers needing access to unique equipment hosted in other countries; transnational research collaborations focused on world-leading research facilities; and supporting promising researchers who do not have access to high quality research infrastructures in their own country. |
British Council - Connecting Classrooms Partnership Grants (UK) The Connecting Classrooms through Global learning programme provides grants of up to £35,000 to clusters of schools or one-to-one school partnership to support a wide range of global learning activities, including training for teachers and supply cover, reciprocal visits to international partners schools, and hosting community events. The funding is available to schools with existing partnerships or those seeking to develop new partnerships. There are no application deadlines; and applications can be submitted at any time. |
UK-German Connection Flexible Funding Scheme (UK) UK-German Connection's special flexible funding scheme aims to bring young people of the UK and Germany together to exchange ideas, promote joint learning and open discussions on special topics and current issues. Grants of £500 to £10,000 are available for projects that ensure that young people actively engage in an educational learning and thinking process, including discussion, debate and reflection. Activities funded must also show strong wider impact, and that the young people take an active role in this. |
International Opportunities Fund (Wales) The International Opportunities Fund aims to encourage Wales' professional arts practitioners and arts organisations to develop their practice internationally, to raise the profile of Welsh arts overseas and to strengthen international artistic engagement within Wales. The fund supports overseas visits to develop international work (both in Wales and overseas) and for artistic activity outside the UK. Grants of up to £7,500 are available primarily towards travel and accommodation costs, although costs relating to the delivery of project activity will also be considered. |
Mandarin Excellence Programme (UK) The Mandarin Excellence Programme aims to deliver a minimum of 5000 speakers of Mandarin on their way to a high level of fluency by 2020. Funding of a minimum of £20,000 per year is available to state-funded secondary schools. Schools on the programme should also be able to provide a programme of at least eight hours a week, made up of a combination of class-time teaching, extra-curricular teaching, self-study and intensive language courses in China and the UK. Schools funded through this programme should also act as or work with a hub school, growing the number of schools and pupils in the local area on the programme; and work to ensure that pupils will be on course to complete HSK IV and V exams within 6 years of starting the programme. Pupils should also be on course to complete Chinese GCSE and A Level, IB or Pre-U qualifications during and beyond the programme lifespan |
Partnership Visit Fund (UK) The Partnership Visit Fund supports new or on-going partnerships between UK and German schools by providing financial support of up to £1,000 for teachers' visits to a partner school. Teachers of primary and secondary schools can apply for a visit that revives an existing school partnership or develops a new one, or allows new teachers coming on board to familiarise themselves with the partner school. |
Classical Association Awards (UK) The Classical Association offers grants to support educational projects related to classical studies, particularly for teachers and educational institutions. Grants can fund activities like field trips, events, workshops, or other initiatives that promote the study of ancient languages, history, and culture. UK-based teachers, schools, and universities can apply, with priority given to projects that widen access to classical subjects or engage a broader range of students. |
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK) The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is a charitable foundation based in Portugal and the UK with a special interest in supporting those who are most disadvantaged; in particular with an emphasis on encouraging cross-border exchanges of lessons and experiences. Grants of between £10,000 and £30,000 are available to not for profit organisations to support a small number of innovative projects that fit well with the Foundations strategic priorities which for 2014 - 2019 are: Transitions in later life: Participatory/socially-engaged performing arts: Influencing the marine environment and protection of the oceans. The Open Fund is currently suspended. |
UK - German Connection Instant Impact Project Fund (UK) The Instant Impact Project Fund supports taster trips and visits to Germany for young people. The scheme is aimed at schools and youth groups that have not previously visited the other country. At least 75% of the time during the visit is spent taking part in interactive and educational joint activity between young people from the UK and German partner institutions, the trip includes young people who would otherwise not have the chance to take part. Funding is available for travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for the visit, materials, resources and dissemination activities. Applications must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance of the trip. |
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Small Grants Programmes (UK) The Daiwa Foundation Small Grants support UK-Japan collaborations in fields such as education, grassroots exchanges, and research. Projects typically involve events like workshops, performances, and conferences that promote mutual understanding between the two countries. Grants are usually up to £9,000 and focus on activities fostering UK-Japan partnerships, including cultural, academic, and professional exchanges.