Grant Directories

Found 11 results in total
Matrix Chambers - Matrix Causes Fund (UK)

Seven Friends Foundation - Small Grants Programme (UK)

The Dulverton Trust - General Welfare Fund (UK)

The Dulverton Trust is an independent grant-making charity that supports UK charities and Charitable incorporated Organisations tackling a range of social issues, protecting the natural world, and preserving heritage crafts.  Through its General Welfare funding strand, the Trust aims to support wide range of activities that benefit disadvantaged people and communities

The Allen Lane Foundation - Gypsy and Traveller Communities (UK)

The Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust with a focus is on funding unpopular causes. The overall aims of the Foundation are to make a lasting difference to people’s lives; reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination; and to encourage or enable unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community.  The Foundation is keen to support work that raises awareness of the issues Gypsy and Traveller communities face, and work to combat hate crime, stigma, discrimination and inequalities, including the lack of appropriate accommodation or other service provision.

The Allen Lane Foundation - Asylum Seekers And Refugees (UK)

The Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust with a focus is on funding unpopular causes. The overall aims of the Foundation are to make a lasting difference to people’s lives; reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination; and to encourage or enable unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community.  The Foundation is interested funding organisations that work with asylum seekers and refugees; including those held in detention. The foundation has updated it's criteria and will now only consider applications that are of benefit to women.


Lush Charity Pot Funding (UK / International)

Through Charity Pot and the Carbon Tax, LUSH, the handmade cosmetics company, offers grants and funding to small grassroots charities and campaign groups that are working in the areas of animal protection, the environment and human rights. LUSH prefers to fund causes that are unpopular and often overlooked by other funders; they also prefer projects that create long-term change and that aim to stop abuse from happening in the first place. For example, by funding a project that aims to stop deforestation rather than one that aims to plant trees to restore an area that has already been deforested. Grants are available of between £100 and £10,000 with the average grant being in the region of £4,000.

Edge Fund (UK)

Grants are available of up to £3000 to support work run by and for communities facing discrimination and injustice because of their class, ability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors. This scheme is aimed at individuals and grassroots groups in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England that find it difficult to get funding elsewhere. Specifically, for use by projects that challenge abuses of power and aim to change society by bringing an end to the systems that cause injustice.

Anchor Foundation Grant (UK)

The Anchor Foundation Grant focuses on Christian Charities concerned with social inclusion particularly through ministries of healing and the arts. In any one year the grant range to a project is usually between £500 and £12,000 for either capital or revenue funding and applications for projects abroad will be considered. It is the Trust's normal practice not to give grants to the same project for more than three years. Applications are considered at twice yearly trustees meetings in April and November and need to be received by 31st January and 31st July each year.

Law Society Charity Grant (UK)

The Law Society Charity makes grants to a wide range of organisations and individuals with a view to directly furthering law and justice. The Charity supports organisations whose work is related to the law and the legal profession, and whose activities would be likely to benefit from funds made available on behalf of solicitors. The Grant intends to support charitable organisations involved with law, justice and human rights. The main aims and objectives of the Charity are to support the education of the public in legal matters, the maintenance of high standards of legal education, Supporting members of the profession in need, Supporting Local Law Societies and groups, Joint ventures with charities, particularly the charitable arms of firms of solicitors and International work to promote human rights. The funding amount is discretionary.

Wyndham Charitable Trust Grant (UK)

The Wyndham Charitable Trust is a small UK-based grant-making charity which is a member of The Association of Charitable Foundations. One of the main objectives of the Trust is helping to bring about the elimination of modern-day slavery. Currently about 27 million children, women and men are enslaved, they are held by force or threat of force and are unable to escape.This can range from girls and women being trafficked for forced prostitution to bonded labour where, from one generation to another, children are enslaved as a result of their parents' 'debts'. The trust does not make ‘restricted' grants and believe that the receiving organisations trustees should be free to decide how to put the funds to best use.

Global Fund for Women Grants Programme (UK)

Global Fund for Women is one of the world's leading foundations for gender equality, standing up for the human rights of women and girls; they fund and partner with women-led groups outside the United States who are fighting for justice and gender equality in their own communities. Since 1987 the fund has invested in 5,000 grass roots organisation in 175 countries, they provide grants for operating and program expenses. They value local expertise and believe that women know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change.