Grant Directories

Found 4 results in total
The CLA Charitable Trust (England & Wales)

The CLA Charitable Trust funds charities and not-for-profit organisations in England and Wales to support projects that help disabled or disadvantaged people access the benefits of nature and the countryside. Through their funding programme, the Trust awards grants of up to £5,000 to support projects that improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of people who are disabled or disadvantaged by helping them to visit and participate in recreational and educational opportunities in the countryside. Applications are particularly welcomed for projects for children and young people who are disadvantaged financially, physically, mentally, or from areas of deprivation. The funding will support projects, capital works and running costs.

Supporting Service Children in Education in Wales Fund (Wales)

Funding is available to help schools and local authorities to provide additional support to children from families of Service personnel. The Supporting Service Children in Education in Wales Fund funded by the Welsh Government and administered by SSCE Cymru, will award grants of £1,000 or £5,000 to help education settings to deliver projects that will support the social, emotional, and academic needs of service children aged 4 to 16. The funding could be used to support coordinated projects, staff costs, courses/training, resources, and outsourced projects/packages. Local authority and/or school cluster collaboration is encouraged. The scheme is open for applications throughout the academic year. 

Ministry of Defence - Education Support Fund (UK)

State funded schools that cater for pupils of military service families can apply for to help meet the needs of pupils that are subject to exceptional mobility as a result of the family moving from one location to another resulting in a change of school for the child and/or have service children whose parents are subject to deployment such as on operational tours, long exercises, training courses etc. 

The Hodge Foundation (UK)

The Hodge Foundation provides grants of up to £100,000 to UK registered or exempt charities such as special needs schools and universities for projects that address the objectives of the Foundation.  This includes supporting charities working with people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged and who need assistance to improve their lives;  education and learning, both within formal school settings and practical approaches to learning which support young people to fulfill their potential and thrive including those with special needs; medical related charities specialising in the treatment and support for specific illnesses and research; and providing funds towards projects such as facilities in church buildings and inclusive activities for the wider community.