Grant Directories

Found 30 results in total
Arts Council of Wales - Creative Steps for Organisations (Wales)

Amazon Literary Partnership (UK & Ireland)

PRS Foundation - The Open Fund for Music Creators (UK)

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation - Bursary for Colleges (UK)

The Universal Music UK Sound Foundation provides bursaries to music students at select UK music colleges and conservatoires, offering financial aid specifically for tuition fees. The award aims to support music students who are financially in need, providing aid for their tuition fees at eleven designated music colleges and conservatoires in the UK. The Foundation distributes £5000 per college annually as bursaries, and the allocation of these funds is managed at the discretion of each institution according to the Foundation's criteria.

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation - Individual Awards (UK)

The grant offers up to £1000 for individuals in full-time education to purchase musical instruments or equipment. Applicants must be EU/EEA nationals, British, or ordinarily/habitually resident in the UK. The grant does not cover music lessons, tuition fees, or maintenance costs. Applications require a reference from the applicant's current music teacher and are accepted twice a year.

The Jerwood Foundation (UK)

Help Musicians – Fast Track Awards (UK)

John Ellerman Foundation - ARTS: Creators and Curators (UK)

UK charities and non-profit organisations can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 per year, for up to three years from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation's Creators and Curators funding scheme.  The aim of the scheme is to support organisations that work with artists to create new or reimagined work; and to strengthen those institutions that focus on making use of curatorial skills to attract a wider public.

Youth Music – NextGen Fund (UK)

Youth Music is a UK charity that supports young people's involvement in music. They offer grants of up to £3,000 to support emerging musicians and behind-the-scenes creatives aged 18-25 through their NextGen Fund. The funding helps artists including singers, songwriters, producers, and more launch creative projects, businesses, and platforms that support underrepresented voices. The funding can cover costs for career development, equipment, software, marketing, and more.

PRS Foundation – Hitmaker Fund (UK)

The Performing Rights Society (PRS) for Music Foundation supports talent development and new music across the UK, enabling songwriters and composers of all backgrounds to realise their potential and reach audiences across the world. Through the Hitmaker Fund, the Foundation awards up to eighteen grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 each year to develop the careers of songwriters and producers working in popular music genres in the UK. Applications can be made by songwriters or producers directly (or by their representatives) who have at least five credited works registered with PRS for Music (ie: a reputable cut or songs that have national radio plays, streaming plays, or from a reputable writing camp). The deadline for applications is 6pm on the 2nd June 2021.

The Victoria Wood Foundation (UK)

The Victoria Wood Foundation was set up after the death of Victoria Wood. It seeks to supports all aspects of the arts across the UK, particularly in and around London and the North of England. Arts organisations and groups are encouraged to apply for funding. The Foundation meets twice a year, in July and December to consider applications. Applications should be received at least two weeks before the following meeting.

NESTA - Arts & Culture Impact Fund (UK)

The Arts & Culture Impact Fund brings together public, private and charitable funding to provide affordable repayable finance to the UK’s arts, culture and heritage organisations able to demonstrate measurable positive social impact. The funding could be used, among other things, to acquire new assets, improve built infrastructure, develop new ventures or scale up existing revenue streams.

Arts Council of Wales - Capital funding for strategic initiatives (Wales)

Arts Council of Wales is an independent charity and the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. Through the Capital Funding for Strategic initiatives programme the Arts Council of Wales provide funding so that arts organisations in Wales can improve access, or create a sustainable energy initiative. 

Pilgrim Trust - Preservation and Scholarship Programme (UK)

The Pilgrim Trust gives grants totalling approximately £2million each year to charities and other public bodies. Through the Preservation and scholarship programme the Trust provides funding for projects that preserve the United Kingdom’s unique heritage for the benefit of future generations. Part of that heritage lies in physical objects such as buildings, artifacts and recorded information such as manuscripts or books. The main emphasis is on projects that conserve historical buildings, monuments and collections. 

Arts Council of Wales - Connect European Network Funding for Organisations (Wales)

Arts Council of Wales is an independent charity and the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. Through the Connect European Networking Fund for organisations the Arts Council of Wales supports arts organisations based in Wales to engage with European networks. The purpose of Connect is to support the arts sector in Wales to develop, maintain and strengthen their links with key strategic partners in Europe.

Arts Council of Wales - Organisations Small and Large Grants (Wales)

Arts Council of Wales is an independent charity and the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. Through the Small and Large Grants for organisations programme the Arts Council of Wales supports many different types of organisation based in Wales and provides the opportunity to apply for Small Grants of up to £10,000 or Large Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000. To be eligible projects must reflect one of the following eight programmes: Equalities; Creative Pathways; Commissioning, Making and Presenting; Wales and the World; Children and Young People; Arts and Health; Widening Engagement; Business Development.

Arts Council of Wales – Individuals Small and Large Grants (Wales)

Arts Council of Wales is an independent charity and the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. Through the Small and Large Grants programme the Arts Council Wales supports individuals based in Wales the opportunity to apply for Small Grants of up to £10,000 or Large Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000. To be eligible projects must reflect one of the following eight programmes: Equalities; Creative Pathways; Commissioning, Making and Presenting; Wales and the World; Children and Young People; Arts and Health; Widening Engagement; Business Development.

Wolfson Foundation – Funding for Performing Arts Organisations (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Performing Arts Organisations funding stream the Foundation aims to support organisations with an outstanding artistic programme to improve their performance and training facilities. Grants are generally awarded towards refurbishment of artists’ facilities such as dressing rooms or other back stage spaces, refurbishment of auditorium facilities such as seating, and rehearsal spaces; teaching and education facilities; and less often, specialist equipment.

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - Arts Programme (UK)

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for people and communities throughout the UK. The Foundation does this by funding the charitable work of organisations that are building an inclusive, creative and sustainable society.  Through the Arts programme the Foundation wants to support projects that use the power of culture to bring communities together and give opportunity and visibility to people who may otherwise be marginalised.

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Teacher Development Fund

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation's Teacher Development Fund (TDF) supports arts-based learning projects that help primary school teachers develop their skills to deliver effective arts education. The fund prioritises professional development projects focused on creating sustained arts engagement, especially for disadvantaged children. Schools and not-for-profit organisations can apply, with a focus on partnerships between teachers and arts practitioners.

PRS Foundation – The Writer Producer Fund (UK)

The PRS Foundation is the UK’s leading funder of new music and talent development across all genres. The Writer Producer Fund offers an opportunity for songwriters and writer-producers working in popular music genres to further develop their careers and writing/production credits with grants of up to £10,000. The Writer Producer Fund is delivered by PRS Foundation in association with the BASCA Trust.   The BASCA Trust provides education and grants, and raises public awareness about songwriters and composers

Help Musicians UK - Develop Your Skills (UK)

Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for professional musicians of all genres. The Develop your skills programme provides funding of up to £1,500 to help applicants take advantage of opportunities that enhance their skills or artistic practice. This could be a virtual conference to learn more about the industry, an online course to enhance their skills, one-to-one coaching or perhaps some time to work with a mentor. Grants of up to £3,000 are available to record and release new music at the same time - as long as the skills being developed are related to the plans applicants have around their music release.

Help Musicians - Music-Led Creative Collaboration (UK)

Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for professional musicians of all genres. The Music-Led Creative Collaboration programme provides grants of up to £5,000 to undertake a UK-based collaboration between themselves and other non-music artists, for example storytellers, lighting designers, choreographers, technologists, scientists, gaming designers, theatre directors, visual artists etc. There should be an end result of the collaboration, such as a body of work created for an upcoming recording or a new performance. Overall, the collaboration should push the boundaries of what you do as a music creator or performer, exploring or
testing something that you are not currently able to achieve without support.

Peter Whittingham Jazz Award (UK)

Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for professional musicians of all genres. The Peter Whittingham Jazz Award has helped to launch the careers of some of the UK's top jazz stars, including Soweto Kinch, Errollyn Wallen MBE, Empirical, Phil Meadows, Led Bib and Roller Trio. The fund is open to emerging jazz musicians and groups who can demonstrate that they have the talent, innovative approach and commitment to make a sustainable impact on the sector. The award of £5,000 is to be put towards creative development opportunities including recording, filming, touring, mentoring, showcasing, performances, collaboration and promotion. Applications that incorporate a range of activities are encouraged.

PRS Foundation - Women Make Music (UK)

The PRS Foundation are the UK’s leading funder for new music across all Genres, it aims to stimulate and support the creation and performance of new music throughout the UK. The Women Make Music programme aims to: break down assumptions and stereotypes within the music industry by encouraging role models for future generations, raise awareness of the gender gap and to ensure that women are aware that support for new music is available to them, increase the profile of women who are creating new music in the UK and stimulate new collaborations between organisations and female music creators. Grants of up to £5,000 are available and can be used to assist with the costs of the first performance and/or the fee for the music creator working in any music genre.

PRS Foundation - International Showcase Fund (UK)

The PRS Foundation are the UK’s leading funder for new music across all Genres, it aims to stimulate and support the creation and performance of new music throughout the UK and to ensure that this music is enjoyed by a wide audience. The International Showcase programme offers funding support to artists based in England who have been invited to play at international showcasing festivals and conferences. Grants are available to help cover the costs of travel, visas and accommodation. The kinds of events and festivals that are covered by the funding are those that have a mostly music industry audience or delegation. The fund cannot support artists to play at festivals for the general public. 

Awards for Young Musicians (UK)

Through the Awards for Young Musicians, grants of between £100 and £2,000 are available to support major costs of the musician's training such as; lessons; buying instruments; travel; specialist's courses. Grants will be made directly to institutions, music organisations music teachers and other suppliers. The Awards for Young Musicians programme supports young people aged between 5 and 17 living in the UK and who are instrumentalists, are in financial need or have exceptional musical talent and potential.

The Elephant Trust (UK)

The Elephant Trust offers grants to artists and institutions (priority is given to small organisations and galleries) for new, innovative visual arts projects based in the UK. The Trust was set up in 1975 to make it possible for artists and those presenting their work to undertake and complete projects when frustrated by lack of funds. It is committed to helping artists and institutions that depart from the routine and signal new, distinct and imaginative sets of possibilities.  Priority is also given to artists and small organisations and galleries who should submit well argued, imaginative proposals for making or producing new work or exhibitions.

Radcliffe Trust - Music Grant (UK)

The Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. Applications are considered under the following headings: composition and contemporary music, bursaries for courses and summer schools; limited to U.K. based students, music therapy / special needs, academic research / projects, youth orchestras, performance projects and educational projects. The funding amount is discretionary.

Philip Bates Trust Arts Grant (UK)

Philip Bates Trust Arts Grants provides grants of up to £500 to charitable and not for profit organisations as well as individuals for the provision of creative and artistic projects and workshops. The scheme aims to allow young people up to the age of 25, to develop artistic skills and encourage creativity. The Trusts main objectives are to advance the education of young people in the arts by the provision of awards to encourage and support their pursuit of creative and artistic achievement, and the provision of financial support to projects or workshops. Applications from individuals and organisations within the West Midlands or from organisations undertaking activities in the West Midlands are particularly welcome. The Trustees meet three times a year - usually in February, June and October to assess applications.