Grant Directories
Big Give - Christmas Challenge Match Funding Campaign |
Arnold Clark - Community Fund (UK) The Arnold Clark Community Fund provides financial support to UK charities and community groups near their branches to build stronger communities. Current funding opportunities include sports kits for youth teams, cost-of-living support, and community projects.
Parkinson's UK - Physical Activity Grants Programme (UK) |
Morrisons Foundation - Community Spaces Fund (England, Scotland and Wales) |
Be Active Wales Fund - Progress programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Progress Programme is intended to help progress sport and activity to the next step and support long-term sustainability. The Progress grant can also fund items that are essential for a return to play. This grant is intended to help clubs and organisations work towards three principles: Tackling inequality; Creating long-term solutions to be more sustainable; Taking innovative approaches. |
Postcode Community Trust (Wales) The People's Postcode Trust is a grant-giving body funded by players of the Peoples Postcode Lottery. The small grants scheme distributes funds to small organisations, community groups and registered charities in Wales, through grants ranging from £500 - £20,000. The Trust funds projects that: Improve mental wellbeing; Enable community participation in the arts; Support marginalised groups and promote equality; Improve biodiversity & green spaces; Enable participation in physical activity; Respond to the climate emergency & promote sustainability; Increase community access to outdoor space. |
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation - Small Grant (UK) The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is a grant making foundation that give grants to small and medium sized local organisations in the UK with a demonstrable track record of success working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts. Through the small grants programme the foundation provides funding of between £2,000 and £10,000 to charitable organisations with an income of less than £250,000 for projects that focus on Community Support. Examples of the kind of projects that can be funded include: CommunityServices; CommunityCentres; Alternative Education; Training, mentoring, employment and volunteering opportunities; Youth; Counselling; Family Support Services; Substance Misuse. |
Be Active Wales Fund - Prepare programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Prepare programme will provide financial support to help prepare clubs and community organisations or groups to restart, respond to, or grow participation, in direct response to Covid-19. Applications will be considered up to £50,000 (minimum £300) and should support expenditure on: Helping the club or organisation to re-open facilities so that people can take part. This could be putting in place measures to take part indoors or outdoors and follow social distancing rules; Resources that help the club or organisation meet Government and public health guidance on social distancing; Giving people the confidence to take part and encouraging members or participants to return to the club; Encouraging more people to take part; Capital works, such as improvements, adaptations, safety measures or innovations needed to buildings or facilities ... |
Be Active Wales Fund - Protect Programme (Wales) Sport Wales is the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales. The Be Active Wales Fund Protect programme has been developed to help community sport and physical activity organisations that are unable to meet their financial obligations. For example, for fixed costs that are no longer supported with revenue as a result of coronavirus. This might cover expenditure on: Rent; Utility costs; Insurances; Facility or equipment hire (where there is a fixed cost); Activities or costs that cannot be covered by Government funding sources. |
The Newby Trust - Social Welfare (UK) The Newby Trust funds local, regional or national charities registered and operating in the UK within the broad categories of education, health and social welfare. Through the Social Welfare programme the Trust provides grants of up to £10,000 to improve people’s quality of life in disadvantaged communities. |
The National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting Great Ideas (Wales) Voluntary or community organisations and Statutory bodies are eligible to apply for funding to support innovative and strategically important project ideas that encourage positive social change in Wales. Grants are awarded for up to five years and we can fund project activities, operating costs and organisational development costs. |
Calor Rural Community Fund (UK) Calor is the UK’s leading LPG supplier. The Rural Community Fund offers rural off-grid communities the chance to win funding for projects that will improve local life. Support is available for community centres, village halls, sporting venues, youth clubs, scout groups and initiatives to support the elderly. Funding is available for renovations, redecorating, equipment, or new LPG heating systems. Projects must be in a rural off mains gas location in the UK and be for the benefit of an off-grid rural community in England, Scotland or Wales and must benefit the wider community and not an individual. Once a project has been accepted it will need to gain as many votes as possible from its supporters. Projects with the most votes will become finalists. Finalist entries will then be reviewed and scored by a panel of judges. Previous winners have included a school garden project, a Music Instrument Bank and a Village Hall facelift. |
Magic Little Grants (UK) Localgiving has teamed up with the Postcode Community Trust to provide the Magic Little Grants programme. The fund provides small charities and community groups with grants of £500 for projects that meet either of the following themes: Overcoming barriers to participation in physical activities in creative ways; Increasing social cohesion through developing access to sports and other recreational activities. |
Persimmon Community Champions (England, Scotland and Wales) Persimmon Homes Charity Foundation is providing grant funding of up to £1000 to registered charities, clubs, schools and other organisations which have already raised vital funds themselves towards projects to enhance their local community. The type of projects supported to date have included support for foodbanks; projects within schools; and sports projects; etc. |
Enovert Community Trust (UK) Enovert Community Trust (formerly Cory Environmental Trust in Britain) is an Environmental body which supports community and environmental projects. The Trust awards grants under the terms of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), providing funding to a broad range of projects that have a positive impact on local communities. The Trust is committed to supporting community and environmental projects across the UK. These include improving community halls, the creation of new play areas and skate parks, and restoring green spaces. Fundraising by applicants is looked upon favourably by the Trustees. Applicants will need to secure a 10% third party contribution which will be payable to Enovert Limited prior to the project commencing. |
Cash4Clubs (UK) Any sports club that is registered with its sports' National Governing body or local authority can apply for up to £2,000 for staff and or volunteers to take part in training, gain qualifications and certifications related to sport or to help with the renovation of current facilities. Previous clubs supported include a new female basketball team and a sailing club wanting to kit out its new Yeoman 20 keelboat. No preference is given to types of sport or the age of people involved with the club, but sports clubs that play an active role in the community are preferred. |
Viridor & Prosiect Gwyrdd Community Fund (Wales) Viridor has committed to make £50,000 a year available for the Viridor & Prosiect Gwyrdd Community to support projects across Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport and Vale of Glamorgan. This scheme will be funded for the next 25 years. Charities, and properly constituted not-for-profit groups, can apply for funding of up to £3,000 to deliver projects that positively impact their local community. Funding decisions are based on a set of criteria around sustainability, local need, community involvement, value for money and education and will be made at meetings held quarterly in the first week of March, June, September and November. The closing date for each quarter will be one month before the meeting. |
Millward Charitable Trust (UK) Millward Charitable Trust makes grants to organisations involved with community buildings, facilities and open spaces, social welfare projects, for the performing arts, medical research and animal welfare. |
Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund (UK) The Playing Fields Legacy Fund (PFLF) provides grants to local community groups, sports clubs and charities. Applications can be made for grants towards some or all of the following types of projects with the intention of growing capacity to reach more young people: The development and improvement of playing fields and other facilities; The development and training of volunteers including the provision of qualifications; The purchase of specialist disability equipment; The development of long-term sustainability, for example marketing and finance expertise; The organising, coaching and other key operational costs of running sports activities. Grants will typically be in the range from £2.5k - £5k although a larger grant may be possible in some circumstances. Where it can be demonstrated that a grant will help unlock additional funding from other funders, this is encouraged.
FCC Communities Foundation (England) FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that helps benefit the lives of people who live close to landfill sites by awarding grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects. The FCC Community Action Fund is designed to deliver amenity projects within 10 miles of a FCC Environment landfill site in FCC Communities operating area. The following types of amenity can be funded: Village Halls, community centres, public play areas. multi sport games areas, sport and recreation grounds, churches, nature reserves, public gardens and woodlands, Museums. Funding is available of between £2,000 and £100,000 for projects with a maximum total project cost of £500,000. |
Biffa Award Main Grants Scheme (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) Under this scheme, Biffa look to award grants to projects that provide or improve biodiversity, community spaces, cultural facilities, and places for outdoor recreation. The type of activities that could be funded could be to improve community buildings; site-based projects to protect and enhance a species or habitat; improving an open space such as a park, play area or woodland that needs transforming to benefit local people of all ages. Between £10,000 and £75,000 is available for projects of less than £200,000. Ten percent of the award needs to be third party sourced. |
SUEZ Communities Trust Smaller Projects Fund (England & Scotland) The SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to realise physical improvement works for community and environmental improvement projects. Through the Landfill Communities Fund the SUEZ Communities Trust can offer grants of up to £20,000 (for projects costing up to £40,000) to improve an amenity that is available for leisure and recreation use by the general public. |
SUEZ Communities Trust Primary Fund (England & Scotland) SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to realise physical improvement works for community and environmental improvement projects. Through the Landfill Communities Fund the SUEZ Communities Trust can offer grants of up to £50,000 to improve an amenity that is available for leisure and recreation use by the general public. |
Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation - Community Grants (England and Wales) The Bernard Sunley Foundation aims to raise the quality of life in England and Wales, particularly for the young, disadvantaged and older people. Under the Community Funding strand the Foundation gives grants towards the building or refurbishment of scout huts, village halls, community centres, youth clubs, boxing clubs, outdoor activity centres, farm and outdoor learning centres, sports centres and pavilions, playing fields and playgrounds. The Foundation also fund the purchase of new minibuses that assist those most in need in their local communities.
UnLtd Awards (UK) UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and supports individuals who have their social ventures firmly rooted in delivering positive social change. It operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from awards of funding to ongoing advice, networking and practical support. UnLtd resource community entrepreneurs to start-up; support those with more established social ventures to scale up; and are committed to developing an eco-system of support to make it easier for those who need help to find it. UnLtd offers a number of programmes with varying levels of funding and support. Please refer to the funder's website for details. |
Community Foundations (UK) Community Foundations support community and voluntary sector activity through grants to local groups and organisations. There are 48 Community Foundations of different sizes within the UK. Although all Community Foundations operate according to common criteria, they vary in terms of size and nature of grants available. Some Community Foundations will fund both organisations and individuals whilst other foundations will only fund organisations. Each community foundation covers a specific geographic area and will not normally be able to support work outside its area. |
The National Lottery Community Fund - Awards for All (Wales) Voluntary and community groups, schools, community and town councils and health bodies can apply for grants of between £300 and £20,000 for projects which help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. Projects must meet at least one of their three aims; bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities; improve the places and spaces that matter to communities; help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage. Funding is available for activities including: putting on events, activities or performances; buying equipment; running training courses; starting a new group; educational toys and games; volunteer's expenses or professional fees; transport costs and refurbishment. |