Grant Directories

Found 6 results in total
SHIRE Community Grant Programme (Leicestershire)

To help deliver the priorities of Leicestershire County Council's Communities Strategy, the SHIRE Community Grant programme will enable voluntary and community sector organisations (including social enterprises and Town/Parish Councils) to deliver community-based projects, services and activities which directly benefit the most vulnerable people in Leicestershire.
Priority will be given to new and innovative projects that will: support the most vulnerable individuals and communities in Leicestershire; provide early intervention and prevention based solutions; complement existing services already being delivered.

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire (Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent)

The Police & Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire's Achieving Safer, Fairer, United Communities strategy is about how different organisations and the public go about making a real and sustained difference to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour and improving local communities. Through establishing grant funding mechanisms, the PCC aims to encourage public agencies, the voluntary sector, businesses and communities to work together to improve community safety, reduce crime and disorder and increase public confidence. PCC grant streams offer funding of £100 to £10,000 to achieve local solutions from small, targetted community safety and reassurance activities to larger projects delivered by agency partnerships.

Police & Crime Commissioner for West Mercia's Grant Schemes (West Midlands)

The Police & Crime Commissioner for West Mercia's Grant Scheme aims to build the capacity of local communities to keep people safe and reduce the fear of crime. Details of the current funding schemes include, funding to improve road safety through education, engineering and enforcement; Funding to prevent burglary including funding of "smart water" for property marking; Funding for community projects that work towards a safer West Mercia.

Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (Warwickshire)

Police and Crime Commissioner grants are awarded to enable organisations across Warwickshire to deliver Community Safety projects which will address crime and disorder in the county and develop and deliver victim support services. Eligible projects will support the PCC in the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan by delivering outcomes that meet the following objectives: Put victims and survivors first; Ensure efficient and effective policing; Protect people from harm; Prevent and reduce crime.

Police & Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire Grant Schemes (Gloucestershire)

The commissioning team of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire makes grants to charities and other organisations each year that address at least one of the six priorities that make up the Police and Crime Plan. These are: Accessibility and accountability; older but not overlooked; young people becoming adults; safe days and nights for all; safe and social driving; safer cyber. The PCC aims to support the right people to act as advocates for their communities or areas; to ensure the applicant is best placed to understand what is required to help their project(s) make a real difference and to ensure there is a benefit to the local community.

UnLtd Awards (UK)

UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and supports individuals who have their social ventures firmly rooted in delivering positive social change. It operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from awards of funding to ongoing advice, networking and practical support. UnLtd resource community entrepreneurs to start-up; support those with more established social ventures to scale up; and are committed to developing an eco-system of support to make it easier for those who need help to find it. UnLtd offers a number of programmes with varying levels of funding and support. Please refer to the funder's website for details.