Grant Directories
Big Give - Christmas Challenge Match Funding Campaign |
Parkinson's UK - Physical Activity Grants Programme (UK) |
Three Guineas Trust - Holiday Activity Schemes for Autistic Children & Young People (UK) |
Sport England - Movement Fund (England) The Movement Fund by Sport England provides crowdfunding pledges, grants, and support for projects that aim to increase physical activity. Eligible projects can receive up to £15,000 to provide physical activity opportunities for the people and communities who need it the most. The grants can be used to cover a wide range of costs and items that will help deliver positive change, particularly for those facing barriers to activity. |
Metal for Good (England & Wales) |
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Apart Not Alone: Support for Serving Families Programme (UK) |
Cash for Kids - Cash for Kids Sports Challenge (England, Scotland, & Northern Ireland - Various Locations) |
Central England Co-operative - Community Dividend Fund (Central England) |
Cycling UK - Big Bike Revival (England) |
Cadant Foundation (UK) |
British Cycling - Places to Ride Crowdfunder (England) The British Cycling Places to Ride funding programme supports the development of new or the improvement of existing cycling facilities in communities across England. Through the programme, up to £15,000 in match funding is available for Crowdfunder projects that provide community-based, accessible cycling facilities and equipment to encourage people to cycle more regularly, regardless of gender, age, ability or ethnicity. British Cycling want to invest in projects that perhaps would not traditionally see British Cycling as a source of funding or indeed consider sport to be their main area of work. Campaigns typically run for 28 days but take a few weeks to create. |
Vegan Society Grants (UK & International) The Vegan Society Grant is open to individuals and grassroots organisations. It exists to support projects which will encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan. The projects are based across the globe, with a particular emphasis on those based in economically developing countries. |
One Stop Community Partnership Programme (UK) The One Stop Community Partnership Programme provides grants of up to £1,000 to local community groups that are situated within 2 miles of a One Stop Store. Funding is available for community groups or organisations working in the following areas: Tackling food poverty; Supporting the vulnerable; Supporting the elderly; Supporting low-income families; Supporting a healthier lifestyle, such as Youth sports teams. Once funding has been agreed, alongside a grant of up to £1,000, a long-term tailored programme of support is created for successful applicants by the One Stop Community team and One Stop Store team. Grant recipients then work in partnership with the One Stop Store team at their local shop to deliver this programme. |
Northamptonshire Community Foundation - Constance Travis Endowment Fund (Northamptonshire) The Northamptonshire Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Constance Travis Endowment Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £2,000 to projects which aim to address and tackle: poverty; hunger; health and wellbeing; quality education and gender equality. |
Volleyball England Foundation (England) The Foundation’s Trustees hope to be able to give financial support to help develop, educate and promote the health of individuals and groups through the sport of volleyball. Its aim is to help ensure the opportunity to play volleyball is available for all and not limited by income. |
Food for Life - Get Together Fund (UK) Food for Life Get Togethers are part of a bigger movement, led by the Soil Association, to make good food the easy choice for everyone. The Food for Life Get Together initiative aims to get more people eating healthily, strengthen communities and reduce experience of loneliness and social isolation. Grants of up to £150 are available for ideas that use good food to connect and bring together people of all ages and from different backgrounds. |
Bernard Sunley - Social Welfare Grants (England and Wales) The Bernard Sunley Foundation aims to raise the quality of life in England and Wales, particularly for the young, disadvantaged and older people. Through the Social Welfare funding strand, the Foundation supports veterans, the elderly, ex-offenders and those in prison and schemes that enable people with mental and physical disabilities to live fuller lives in the community. |
The Albert Hunt Trust (UK) The Albert Hunt Trust is a grant giving charitable trust that supports local charities throughout the United Kingdom. The Trust will consider applications from registered charities, organisations and projects based in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that provide Hospice Care; provide support for the Homeless and promote health and well being; including physical and learning disabilities, physical and mental health, plus social challenges and deprivation. |
The Dulverton Trust - General Welfare Fund (UK) The Dulverton Trust is an independent grant-making charity that supports UK charities and Charitable incorporated Organisations tackling a range of social issues, protecting the natural world, and preserving heritage crafts. Through its General Welfare funding strand, the Trust aims to support wide range of activities that benefit disadvantaged people and communities |
Hays Travel Foundation (UK) Hays Travel Foundation was created in 2015. The foundation works with organisations that support people, who for one reason or another need help to achieve their potential. The foundations focus is on the following objectives: Education; Poverty; Health; Art’s and Culture; Sport. Support is provided to registered charities working with young people under the age of 25 in an area where Hays Travel operates. |
Veterans Foundation Grant (UK) Armed Forces charities and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to £40,000 for projects and activities supporting serving armed forces personnel, veterans, operationally qualified seafarers and their immediate families. |
Buttle UK Boarding School Fees Grant (UK) Buttle UK provides grants of up to £4,500 for boarding school fees for children over the age of 11 where there is a strong case as to why the child cannot stay within the family home with their parent or carer. Grants can be made to help children between the ages of 11 and 18 who are: Adopted; cared for by grandparents, relatives or friends; from single parent families; with two carers where one is very seriously incapacitated through illness or disability. |
Buttle UK Anchor Grants (UK) Buttle UK provides grants to address the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people. Professional organisations working with children and families suffering lasting emotional, social or educational difficulties as a result of domestic abuse can apply to this flexible grant scheme to fund a range of activities, support and everyday items including, but not limited to: Therapy; after school clubs; critical home furniture; help with moving costs; school uniforms and tutoring lessons. |
Buttle UK - Small Grants Scheme (UK) The aim of Buttle UK's Small Grants Programme is to help children and young people in desperate need who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances or who are facing a crisis situation. Grants are intended to make a positive impact where a child's health or development is at risk. Buttle UK can deliver or fund critical household items such as: Gas or electric cookers; essential household items, furniture and kitchen equipment; clothing in exceptional or emergency situations; baby equipment; fridges and freezers; washing machines; children's beds and bedding.
Souter Charitable Trust (UK) The Souter Charitable Trust is a grant making organisation that assists projects engaged in the relief of human suffering in the UK and overseas- particularly, but not exclusively, those with a Christian emphasis and ethos.Over the last five years the trust has awarded over 3,200 grants worth more than £32million. The trust has supported a range of projects including projects to combat malaria and projects to supply daily meals to school children in Africa. Grants are made only to registered charities; all projects for capital building and renovation work are specifically excluded. The trustees meet once a month to consider applications. |
The Kelly Family Charitable Trust (UK) The Kelly Family Charitable Trust was founded in 2004 as a grant-giving body. The Trust is interested in funding charities whose activities involve the whole family in initiatives that encourage and nurture a supportive structure within the family unit, and whose aims include the development of strong and supportive family bonds by helping all elements of the family unit to grow together and support each other. Applications are also welcomed from sports and health-related charities whose activities meet the trust's criteria. Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 are available, but higher grants may be considered. |
Alan Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund Grant (UK) The Alan Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund Grant provides grants to registered charities that focus on: arts and education projects which help young people to achieve their potential, particularly within Southwark, from where proposals are particularly encouraged; support for UK charities which defend civil liberties and human rights; projects in the developing world, especially Africa, which maximise educational and employment opportunities for young people; areas of scientific and medical research on Type 1 diabetes. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time. |
Healthy Hearts Grant (UK) Heart Research UK (HRUK) provide grants of up to either £5,000 or £10,000 to new, original and innovative projects that actively promote Heart Health and help to prevent, or reduce, the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities. Funding is only available for non- profit making organisations and can pay for equipment, travel costs, contributions to staff salaries or consultant fees. In the past grants have been awarded to fund cooking sessions, theatre workshops, multi-sport activities, classroom based learning, circus skills, and tandem biking, etc. |