Grant Directories

Found 5 results in total
Lincolnshire Community Foundation - East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Grant Scheme (ELIF) (Lincolnshire)

The ELIF GRASSroots Grant Scheme aims to support community-led initiatives in East Lindsey. It provides funding for projects that invest in community spaces, enhance social connections, and improve access to services, aligning with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund. This grant scheme is facilitated by the Lincolnshire Community Foundation in collaboration with East Lindsey District Council. It specifically targets strengthening community ties, developing neighborhood growth, and addressing key community development themes such as community facilities, cohesion, digital access, and supporting both young and older demographics, among others.

Northamptonshire Community Foundation - The Alastair James Memorial Trust (East Midlands and East Anglia)

The Northamptonshire Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Alastair James Memorial Trust the foundation provides grants of up to £1,000 to groups and individuals to purchase items of equipment, including - but not restricted to – vehicles.

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation - Small Grant (UK)

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is a grant making foundation that give grants to small and medium sized local organisations in the UK with a demonstrable track record of success working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts. Through the small grants programme the foundation provides funding of between £2,000 and £10,000 to charitable organisations with an income of less than £250,000 for projects that focus on Community Support. Examples of the kind of projects that can be funded include: CommunityServices; CommunityCentres; Alternative Education; Training, mentoring, employment and volunteering opportunities; Youth; Counselling; Family Support Services; Substance Misuse.

Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation - Community Grants (England and Wales)

The Bernard Sunley Foundation aims to raise the quality of life in England and Wales, particularly for the young, disadvantaged and older people. Under the Community Funding strand the Foundation gives grants towards the building or refurbishment of scout huts, village halls, community centres, youth clubs, boxing clubs, outdoor activity centres, farm and outdoor learning centres, sports centres and pavilions, playing fields and playgrounds. The Foundation also fund the purchase of new minibuses that assist those most in need in their local communities.



Community Foundations (UK)

Community Foundations support community and voluntary sector activity through grants to local groups and organisations. There are 48 Community Foundations of different sizes within the UK. Although all Community Foundations operate according to common criteria, they vary in terms of size and nature of grants available. Some Community Foundations will fund both organisations and individuals whilst other foundations will only fund organisations. Each community foundation covers a specific geographic area and will not normally be able to support work outside its area.