Grant Directories
Matrix Chambers - Matrix Causes Fund (UK) |
Parkinson's UK - Physical Activity Grants Programme (UK) |
NHS - Blood and Transplant Community Grants Programme (UK) |
Livewell Foundation - Large Grants Programme (South West) |
Livewell Foundation - Small Grants Programme (South West) |
Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund (England) |
Sport England - Movement Fund (England) The Movement Fund by Sport England provides crowdfunding pledges, grants, and support for projects that aim to increase physical activity. Eligible projects can receive up to £15,000 to provide physical activity opportunities for the people and communities who need it the most. The grants can be used to cover a wide range of costs and items that will help deliver positive change, particularly for those facing barriers to activity. |
Metal for Good (England & Wales) |
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Apart Not Alone: Support for Serving Families Programme (UK) |
Tesco - Stronger Starts - Footie for All (UK) |
Seven Friends Foundation - Small Grants Programme (UK) |
Cycling UK - Big Bike Revival (England) |
The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund – Small Grants Programme (UK) The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund (PWCF) is a grant making organisation which aims to transform lives and build sustainable communities across the UK by funding a wide range of good causes within their core funding themes: Heritage & Conservation, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Environment and Countryside. Through the Small Grants Programme, the PWCF will award grants of up to £5,000 to not-for-profit organisations with an income of up to £1 million. The average award is £1,500. Priority will be given to organisations of which HRH The Prince of Wales is Patron. Applications can be made at any time and will be considered by the Small Grant committee at their quarterly meetings. |
The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund – Major Grants Programme (UK) The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund is a grant making organisation which aims to transform lives and build sustainable communities across the UK by funding a wide range of good causes within their core funding themes: Heritage & Conservation, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Environment and Countryside. The Major Grants Programme will award grants of over £5,000 to not-for-profit organisations. Organisations can apply for major grants by invitation only. |
Cornwall Carers Service - Memory Activity & Support Network Development Grant (Cornwall) Cornwall Rural Community Council Wellbeing community grants support individuals, groups and peer support group networks in Cornwall. Through the Memory Activity & Support Network Development Grant the programme provides grants of up to £3,000 to assist the development and sustainability of self-support dementia groups through countywide networks. |
Cornwall Carers Service - Mental Health Support Groups Grant (Cornwall) Cornwall Rural Community Council Wellbeing community grants support individuals, groups and peer support group networks in Cornwall. Through the Mental Health Support Groups Grant the programme provides grants of up to £1,000 to groups that provide support and self-help initiatives to people who experience poor mental health or wellbeing, to assist them to have a meaningful break from their day-to-day routines. It aims to: Provide those living with poor mental health to access to activities and support; Assist the development and sustainability of self-support groups; Support groups to help people to self-manage their health and wellbeing, improve people’s experience of care, reduce social isolation, increase confidence, improve independent living skills and reduce hospital admissions/readmissions |
Cornwall Carers Service - Carers Groups Grant (Cornwall) Cornwall Rural Community Council Wellbeing community grants support individuals, groups and peer support group networks in Cornwall. Through the Carers Groups Grant the programme provides grants of up to £1,000 to fund unpaid, informal carers’ groups to give their members opportunities to ‘switch off’ from their caring responsibilities by taking part in group activities and events that promote their health and wellbeing. |
Society of Merchant Venturers Charity (South West) The Society of Merchant Venturers work with and support people and communities from the wider Bristol area through education, care for older people, charitable giving and social enterprise. Registered charities and organisations with a charitable purpose within the greater Bristol area can apply for grants of between £500 and £5,000 through the Society of Merchant Venturers Charity. The Charity will consider applications from organisations addressing the following needs: Social Needs; Youth; Education; Social Enterprise; Health Care; Culture and the Arts; Environment; Bristol – projects, preferably those associated with the Society’s spheres of interest and achievement which will benefit Bristol and its economic development. |
Devon Community Foundation - Babeleigh Barton Community Benefit Fund (Parkham Parish Council area) The Devon Community Foundation aims to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people in the community by investing and distributing funds to community-based voluntary groups on behalf of a wide range of donors. Through the Babeleigh Barton Community Benefit Fund, the Foundation provides grants to support community groups, individuals and organisations located or serving the Parkham Parish Council area, which tackle deprivation and make a positive difference to the lives of local disadvantaged people. |
Bernard Sunley - Social Welfare Grants (England and Wales) The Bernard Sunley Foundation aims to raise the quality of life in England and Wales, particularly for the young, disadvantaged and older people. Through the Social Welfare funding strand, the Foundation supports veterans, the elderly, ex-offenders and those in prison and schemes that enable people with mental and physical disabilities to live fuller lives in the community. |
Bernard Sunley Foundation - Health Grants (England and Wales) The Bernard Sunley Foundation aims to raise the quality of life in England and Wales, particularly for the young, disadvantaged and older people. Through the Health funding strand, the Foundation supports building and refurbishment projects, specialist new transport and the creation of outdoor or recreational spaces for care homes, hospices, day centres and other facilities that provide relief and sanctuary for patients, their families and those with special needs. The emphasis is on helping charities that are providing an excellent standard of care and support within their communities. |
The Albert Hunt Trust (UK) The Albert Hunt Trust is a grant giving charitable trust that supports local charities throughout the United Kingdom. The Trust will consider applications from registered charities, organisations and projects based in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that provide Hospice Care; provide support for the Homeless and promote health and well being; including physical and learning disabilities, physical and mental health, plus social challenges and deprivation. |
D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust - Medical Welfare (UK) The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust was established in for the advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement. Through the Medical Welfare programme, the Trust aims to support a wide range of projects that improve the quality of life of children and adults; carers and young people on the fringes of society. |
The Newby Trust - Social Welfare (UK) The Newby Trust funds local, regional or national charities registered and operating in the UK within the broad categories of education, health and social welfare. Through the Social Welfare programme the Trust provides grants of up to £10,000 to improve people’s quality of life in disadvantaged communities. |
The Dulverton Trust - General Welfare Fund (UK) The Dulverton Trust is an independent grant-making charity that supports UK charities and Charitable incorporated Organisations tackling a range of social issues, protecting the natural world, and preserving heritage crafts. Through its General Welfare funding strand, the Trust aims to support wide range of activities that benefit disadvantaged people and communities |
Wolfson Foundation - Funding for Charities Working with Disability (UK) The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Charities Working with Disability funding stream the Foundation aims to support organisations working with disability. Grants are awarded towards capital projects which encourage independence and the Foundation are particularly interested in projects which focus on training, employment and supported housing, especially when the project aids the transition from children’s services to adults’ services. |
The Hodge Foundation (UK) The Hodge Foundation provides grants of up to £100,000 to UK registered or exempt charities such as special needs schools and universities for projects that address the objectives of the Foundation. This includes supporting charities working with people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged and who need assistance to improve their lives; education and learning, both within formal school settings and practical approaches to learning which support young people to fulfill their potential and thrive including those with special needs; medical related charities specialising in the treatment and support for specific illnesses and research; and providing funds towards projects such as facilities in church buildings and inclusive activities for the wider community.
Hays Travel Foundation (UK) Hays Travel Foundation was created in 2015. The foundation works with organisations that support people, who for one reason or another need help to achieve their potential. The foundations focus is on the following objectives: Education; Poverty; Health; Art’s and Culture; Sport. Support is provided to registered charities working with young people under the age of 25 in an area where Hays Travel operates. |
Denise Coates Foundation (England) The Denise Coates Foundation was previously known as the bet365 Foundation and provides grants to registered charities in England to support their work locally, nationally or internationally. The Foundation provides funding of between £20,000 and £250,000 for charitable projects in the following areas: Health and Wellbeing; Education and Training; Medical research and development; Disaster recovery and emergency relief; Community Development; Arts and Culture. The trust does not currently maintain a website or email account. To apply, a formal application and presentation will need to be made to the Trustees. |
Health Lottery South West (South West England) Health Lottery South West is one of 12 society lotteries across Great Britain. Each society lottery is licensed by the Gambling Commission and will raise money for health-related good causes within their respective areas. Each local society lottery takes turns at participating in the draw so that every area in England, Scotland and Wales gets an appropriate share of the monies raised. The funding is made available through the Active Communities programme which offers grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 per year for projects targeting areas most affected by health inequalities. Projects can cover a few streets, a housing estate, small village and run or community of interests. These are groups of people who have things in common and wish to come together to address something that is important to them. |
Magic Little Grants (UK) Localgiving has teamed up with the Postcode Community Trust to provide the Magic Little Grants programme. The fund provides small charities and community groups with grants of £500 for projects that meet either of the following themes: Overcoming barriers to participation in physical activities in creative ways; Increasing social cohesion through developing access to sports and other recreational activities. |
Persimmon Community Champions (England, Scotland and Wales) Persimmon Homes Charity Foundation is providing grant funding of up to £1000 to registered charities, clubs, schools and other organisations which have already raised vital funds themselves towards projects to enhance their local community. The type of projects supported to date have included support for foodbanks; projects within schools; and sports projects; etc. |
Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund (UK) The Playing Fields Legacy Fund (PFLF) provides grants to local community groups, sports clubs and charities. Applications can be made for grants towards some or all of the following types of projects with the intention of growing capacity to reach more young people: The development and improvement of playing fields and other facilities; The development and training of volunteers including the provision of qualifications; The purchase of specialist disability equipment; The development of long-term sustainability, for example marketing and finance expertise; The organising, coaching and other key operational costs of running sports activities. Grants will typically be in the range from £2.5k - £5k although a larger grant may be possible in some circumstances. Where it can be demonstrated that a grant will help unlock additional funding from other funders, this is encouraged.
The Kirby Laing Foundation (UK) The Kirby Laing Foundation supports a wide range of Charities in the UK and abroad and has a particular interest in: Promotion of the Evangelical Christian faith: Education particularly science and engineering and youth development: Medical research particularly concerning dementia and stroke: social/medical welfare projects: Preservation of cultural/environmental heritage and improving access to the arts for young people: Overseas development projects. The trust operates a reactive small grants programme that is open to applications and a larger grants programme that is invitation only. A significant percentage of the grants awarded are for one-off capital purposes; most other grants are directed at specific projects meeting a clearly defined need, which cannot be met from statutory sources. |
The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust (UK) The Trust makes grants to registered charities, or to hospitals and schools and similar charitable institutions in the areas of Medicine; Education and Welfare. Grants tend to be awarded for capital and fixed term projects. |
Streetsmart Grants (UK) The main objective of Streetsmart is aimed at helping the homeless to make a better life for themselves, focussing on mental and physical health, employability and sustainable independent living. Grants are given to those who support people through the crucial stages in their progress from vagrant to valued community member. StreetSmart supports a wide range of homeless organisations that operate within the cities in which the campaign runs. Every penny raised in each city is spent only in that city. Homeless charities seeking funding from StreetSmart should submit their application in writing during December. If the project meets their criteria, they will then arrange for a StreetSmart representative to visit the project at some point during January and February and report back to the trustees. |
James Tudor Foundation Grant (UK) The James Tudor Foundation makes grants, gifts and loans to small to medium sized registered charities within the United Kingdom who have been established for at least two years and that can maximise the effectiveness of its donations. The grants are for charitable purposes across five programme areas: palliative care, medical research, health education, the direct relief of sickness, overseas projects for the relief of sickness and the fulfilment of their charitable objects by other means. The Foundation expects to make donations of up to £1 Million a year. Grants for under £5,000 will be made within one month, grants that exceed £10,000 may take up to four months to process. |
Edgar E Lawley Foundation Grant (UK) The objectives of The Edgar E Lawley Foundation are for general charitable purposes with particular reference to medicine, the needs of elderly persons, and to educational purposes with reference to the arts, commerce and industry. Traditionally the Foundation has given particular assistance to charities in the West Midlands area. The current annual grants programme amounts to approximately £200,000 per annum with a typical grant being in the region of £2,000 per successful applicant. |
Alan Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund Grant (UK) The Alan Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund Grant provides grants to registered charities that focus on: arts and education projects which help young people to achieve their potential, particularly within Southwark, from where proposals are particularly encouraged; support for UK charities which defend civil liberties and human rights; projects in the developing world, especially Africa, which maximise educational and employment opportunities for young people; areas of scientific and medical research on Type 1 diabetes. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time. |
Fidelity UK Foundation Grant (London, Kent, Surrey, Birmingham and Manchester) The main objectives of Fidelity UK Foundation is to strengthen not-for-profit organisations primarily in regions surrounding Fidelity International's major corporate locations. Grants from the Foundation are designed to encourage the highest standards of management and long-term self-reliance in non-profit organisations. Taking an investment approach to grant making, they fund organisations where they feel they can add lasting, measurable value. They seek to support major initiatives that charitable organisations undertake to reach new levels of achievement. Grants are primarily allocated to the following sectors: Arts and culture, Community development, Education and Health. The Foundation currently directs the majority of its grants to locations in which Fidelity International has an office such as: Kent, Surrey, London as well as its office locations overseas. Applications can be submitted at any time. |
Rayne Foundation Grants Programme (UK) The Rayne Foundation offers grants to tackle entrenched social issues through the arts, health, wellbeing, and education. The foundation has a particular focus on connecting communities, building bridges between marginalised groups and mainstream society, and enabling individuals to reach their full potential. The annual grant making programme is in the region of £1.5 million and grants typically fall in the range of £10,000 to £20,000 per annum for up to three years. Funding is available both for capital and revenue expenditure. |
Healthy Hearts Grant (UK) Heart Research UK (HRUK) provide grants of up to either £5,000 or £10,000 to new, original and innovative projects that actively promote Heart Health and help to prevent, or reduce, the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities. Funding is only available for non- profit making organisations and can pay for equipment, travel costs, contributions to staff salaries or consultant fees. In the past grants have been awarded to fund cooking sessions, theatre workshops, multi-sport activities, classroom based learning, circus skills, and tandem biking, etc. |