Grant Directories
The Open University - Open Futures Sanctuary Scholarship (UK) |
Trust for London - Racial Justice Fund (London) |
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Local Collaborations Programme (England & Wales) The Local Collaborations Programme supports small charity-led collaborations aiming to influence local or regional changes in social security, accommodation access, and support for asylum seekers and refugees. This programme offers flexible funding of £100,000 over two years, with a potential additional year of £50,000. It targets collaborations focused on influencing policy, practice, or systems locally or regionally, aligned with specific themes. |
Matrix Chambers - Matrix Causes Fund (UK) |
The Wimbledon Foundation - Get Set, Get Active Fund (Merton & Wandsworth) |
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Migration Fund (UK) |
Seven Friends Foundation - Small Grants Programme (UK) |
Cadant Foundation (UK) |
Educational Opportunity Foundation - Displacement Education Fund - UK Projects (UK) The British and Foreign School Society offers charitable aid to educational projects in the UK and around the world by funding schools, other charities and educational bodies. Through the Displacement Education Fund – UK Projects, the Society offers grants of up to £60,000 to registered charities, schools and educational establishments, and grants of up to £20,000 to other not-for-profit community organisations for projects that improve access to educational opportunity, or reduce barriers to achievement, for children and young people living in the UK who are refugees or asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, or children of undocumented migrants. |
Church Urban Fund - Refugee Support Small Grants Programme (England) |
The Leathersellers' Company Charitable Fund - Small Grants Programme (UK) The Leathersellers' Company is one of the ancient livery companies of the City of London. It makes grants in the areas of Education, Disability, Children and young people and the relief of need. Through the Small Grants programme The Leathersellers Company provides grants of up to £5,000 to charities that are working to provide assistance to vulnerable people in their community. |
Fat Beehive Foundation (UK) The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities. The aim of the Foundation is to help these organisations carry out their work in a more efficient and effective way, resulting in positive social benefit. |
The Allen Lane Foundation - Asylum Seekers And Refugees (UK) The Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust with a focus is on funding unpopular causes. The overall aims of the Foundation are to make a lasting difference to people’s lives; reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination; and to encourage or enable unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community. The Foundation is interested funding organisations that work with asylum seekers and refugees; including those held in detention. The foundation has updated it's criteria and will now only consider applications that are of benefit to women. |
Windrush Day Grant (UK) MV Empire Windrush arrived at the Port of Tilbury on 21 June 1948 and its passengers disembarked a day later. The ship carried 492 Caribbean migrants, many of them veterans of the Second World War. Since then, Windrush has come to symbolise the first movement of mass migration to the United Kingdom in the post-war era. 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of MV Empire Windrush’s arrival. The minister of faith has announced a National Windrush Day on 22nd June each year. Funding of between £2,500 and £25,000 is available for projects run by local authorities, charities or community groups which celebrate and commemorate the arrival of the MV Empire Windrush and the contribution of the Windrush Generation to British economic, social and cultural life. Projects should also seek to educate communities about this contribution and the history of the MV Empire Windrush. |
City Bridge Trust – Advice and Support (London) The City Bridge Trust (CBT) Advice and Support programme aims to address inequalities by improving access to good quality advice and support. Applications are invited from organisations providing suitably accredited generalist or specialist advice and support to individuals affected by inequalities, in relation to benefits; debt and money; employment problems; housing and immigration status |
City Bridge Trust – Positive Transitions (London) The City Bridge Trust (CBT) Positive Transitions programme aims to support work that will enable Londoners experiencing inequality and disadvantage to make important transitions in their lives. The fund aims to enable these transitions to be positive for the individuals, give them greater choice and control over their lives and result in a reduction in inequality within communities. The city bridge trust is particularly interested in positive transitions in relation to: Children and Young People: Affected by domestic abuse, with mental health needs, transitioning from care, who have become carers; Migrants and refugees who wish to access mainstream services and feel part of the community in which they live; Survivors of domestic and sexual abuse; modern day slavery, trafficking, or hate crime; Ex-offenders leaving custody or serving community sentences; Disabled people and/or older people having increased choice and control over their lives in terms of their independent living. |
Kent Community Foundation (Kent) Kent Community Foundation (KCF) is one of 48 community foundations across the UK. The Foundation's aim is to provide funding that will directly address the needs of Kent's most vulnerable people and build strong and vibrant communities throughout the county. Most awards are made to small community and voluntary groups that are charitable in purpose and are working for the benefit of people in Kent and Medway. Projects generally fall under the broad heading of social welfare. Some funds for individuals in very specific circumstances are also available as are loans to support existing and newly created social enterprises that benefit the local community and enhance the economic, social and environmental vibrancy of Kent. |
Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants (England & Wales) Grants of up to £30,000 are available to NGOs and private law firms to undertake strategic legal work to benefit children and young people who are significantly disadvantaged by migration status. The fund will accept applications in any area of law that affects vulnerable young migrants including; asylum; immigration; human rights; family law; community care; housing; education; and mental health; etc. The SLF only funds two kinds of strategic legal action. These are pre-litigation research and "third party intervention" in an existing case. The maximum grant length is 12 months, and most grants are for around six months. |
YAPP Charitable Trust (England and Wales) The Trust makes revenue grants to small registered charities whose work focuses on one of the Trust’s priority groups. These are; elderly people, children and young people aged 5 - 25, people with physical impairments; learning difficulties or mental health challenges,; social welfare - people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin (such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse, offending); and education and learning (with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children). Grants are given for running costs for up to three years. Grants are normally for a maximum of £3,000 per year. |