Grant Directories
Police & Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley- Community Fund (Thames Valley) The Police Property Act Fund was created from the proceeds of sale of goods recovered by the police that cannot be returned to their original owner. In accordance with the Police Property Act Regulations (1997) all awards from the fund must be for charitable purposes. Applications to be considered jointly by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Chief Constable will be from local voluntary and community groups working to improve the lives of people in the Thames Valley Police area. Applicants must demonstrate that their project or activity contributes to meeting the PCC's objective of ‘Reducing Crime by Reducing Re-offending'. |
Police & Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire Grant Schemes (Gloucestershire) The commissioning team of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire makes grants to charities and other organisations each year that address at least one of the six priorities that make up the Police and Crime Plan. These are: Accessibility and accountability; older but not overlooked; young people becoming adults; safe days and nights for all; safe and social driving; safer cyber. The PCC aims to support the right people to act as advocates for their communities or areas; to ensure the applicant is best placed to understand what is required to help their project(s) make a real difference and to ensure there is a benefit to the local community. |
UnLtd Awards (UK) UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and supports individuals who have their social ventures firmly rooted in delivering positive social change. It operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from awards of funding to ongoing advice, networking and practical support. UnLtd resource community entrepreneurs to start-up; support those with more established social ventures to scale up; and are committed to developing an eco-system of support to make it easier for those who need help to find it. UnLtd offers a number of programmes with varying levels of funding and support. Please refer to the funder's website for details. |
Quartet Community Foundation (South West) The Quartet Community Foundation is an independent charity that supports small, community-based charities and voluntary groups in the West of England (Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire) whose work benefits local people. The Foundation gives grants to a broad range of causes and welcome applications from both new and established groups. The Foundation runs its own grants programme called the Express Programme which awards grants of up to £5,000. The Foundation also manages a range of other grants programmes with their own priorities, criteria and closing dates. |