Grant Directories

Found 29 results in total
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Service Pupil Support Programme (UK)

The Service Pupil Support Programme, part of the MOD's Armed Forces Families Fund, provides grants to support Service children in their Educational Pathway. It aims to help these children achieve their full potential and is open to schools and local authorities in the UK.

The Ogden Trust - School Partnerships : CERN Funding (UK)

The Ogden Trust provides funding for secondary schools to support trips to CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research which is, an intergovernmental scientific research organisation dedicated to particle physics near Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border and operates the world's largest particle physics laboratory.  The aim is to ensure that students, regardless of their background or financial situation, can experience this inspirational opportunity. Secondary schools in a partnership or previously in one can apply for funding to support students facing financial barriers or extenuating circumstances.  Trips should not occur before approval, which takes approximately four weeks. All UK secondary schools in the Ogden School Partnerships programme or previously active are eligible to apply.

Schroder Charity Trust

The Schroder Charity Trust is an independent grant-making Family Trust that has been supporting the charitable and voluntary sector for over 70 years.   The Trust makes grants in the areas of Arts, Culture and heritage; Environment and Conservation; Strengthening Communities; Education, Training and Employment; Health and Wellbeing.

Radio Borders - Cash for Kids (Scottish Borders)

Borders Radio Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

MFR - Cash for Kids (Moray, the Highlands and Aberdeenshire)

MFR Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Clyde 2 - Cash for Kids (Glasgow & West Scotland)

Clyde 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Clyde 1 - Cash for Kids (Glasgow & West Scotland)

Clyde 1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Forth 2 - Cash for Kids (Edinburgh, The Lothans, Fife & Falkirk)

Forth 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Forth 1 - Cash for Kids (Edinburgh, The Lothans, Fife & Falkirk)

Forth 1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Tay 2 - Cash for Kids (Tayside & Fife)

Tay 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Tay FM - Cash for Kids (Tayside & Fife)

Tay FM Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

West FM - Cash for Kids (Ayrshire)

West FM Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

Northsound1 - Cash for Kids (Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire)

Northsound1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

The Newby Trust - Education Grants (UK)

The Newby Trust funds local, regional or national charities registered and operating in the UK within the broad categories of education, health and social welfare.  Through the Education programme the Trust provides grants of up to £10,000 to enable people to benefit from educational opportunities and to support excellence.

Wolfson Foundation – Funding for Special Schools and Colleges (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Special Schools and Colleges funding stream the Foundation aims to support schools and colleges for children and young people with special educational needs. Grants are awarded for projects focussed on helping pupils to develop skills which would help them to gain employment or live independently after leaving school or college.

Education Endowment Foundation – Improving outcomes for pupils with SEND (UK)

The Education Endowment Foundation is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement. The Improving outcomes for pupils with SEND programme aims to support projects which improve attainment and other educational outcomes, such as social and emotional learning, for children with special educational needs or disability (SEND). To be considered for funding, projects should be informed and supported by evidence of impact on learning outcomes; be practical, cost effective and scalable; be clear how they will support children with SEND; and aim to work with pupils between the ages of 3 and 18

Foyle Foundation - Main Grants Scheme - Learning (UK)

The Foyle Foundation is an independent grantmaking trust that distributes grants to UK charities. It provides grants primarily in the areas of Arts and Learning. The Main Grants Scheme - Learning programme supports charities with projects that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and which have a long term strategic impact. Key areas for support are: libraries, museums and archives; special educational needs; projects that encourage sustainability by reducing overheads or which help generate additional revenue. Examples of previous funding include: Imperial War Museum - redevelopment of First World War galleries; Lakeland Arts Trust, Kendal - replacement facilities for the Windermere Steamboat Museum and re-open it to the public. The majority of grants will be in the range of £10,000 to £50,000.

Eastern Counties Educational Trust Limited (UK)

The Trust provides grants for projects that support the education, training, care and welfare of people with special educational needs, particularly those under 25 with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Although the Trust operates UK wide, preference is given to organisations and schools in Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. Examples of eligible expenditure include equipment, playground equipment, music therapy etc as long as the grant will make a difference to special needs pupils

St James Place Foundation (UK)

The St James Place Foundation supports projects which fall within the following themes: Supporting Young People with special needs - supporting projects that provide directly for young people (under the age of 25) within the UK who suffer from physical or mental health difficulties or conditions, or a life threatening or degenerative illness, or are disadvantaged; Supporting disadvantaged young people; Supporting people with cancer. Funding of up to £10,000 is available to registered charities and special needs schools

John Watson Trust (Scotland)

The John Watson’s Trust provides grants to support Scottish registered charities, particularly those focused on providing education to children and young people up to and including the age of 21 who have a physical or learning disability or who are socially disadvantaged.

Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation Grant (UK)

The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation makes grants to registered charities that benefit children, through education and/or welfare, or the elderly. The type of activities that the Foundation is likely to fund include: Sensory toys and equipment for children with special needs; items to care for isolated and/or vulnerable elderly people; support of specially adapted equipment to be used by people with physical / mental / communication disabilities; apparatus for children with special needs; items or tangible social activities for Community Centres providing a benefit to many in the local community; and provision of tangible and social interaction activities for the vulnerable and/or isolated.

R W Mann Trust Grant (UK but preference with North Tyneside and East Newcastle areas)

The RW Mann Trust is a grant making organisation that supports organisations in the North Tyneside, South East Northumberland and in the East Newcastle areas who are locally run and led, help people with the greatest need, involve disadvantaged and minority groups, improve the quality of life in their community and are in the public interest. Grants made have varied between regular annual contributions, small one-off donations and grants for capital projects. . Most of the beneficiaries in recent years have been youth groups (both uniformed and non-uniformed), children, people with disabilities, older people, schools, colleges, councils for voluntary service and other advice agencies. The Trust has made grants of between £500 and £5,000 but the average size of grant awarded is £1000.

Wooden Spoon Society Grant (UK)

Schools, charities and community organisations can apply for grants for projects that improve the quality and prospect of life for children and young people who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially including those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). The grants available include capital projects such as medical treatment and recovery centres, sports and activity areas, sensory rooms and gardens, playgrounds and hydrotherapy pools as well as revenue grants to support outreach programmes for children in their communities.

Will Charitable Trust - Blind People & Learning Disabilities Grant (UK)

The Trust provides financial assistance to registered or exempt charities of all sizes with proven track records whose activities fall within the following three categories. These categories are; care of and services for blind people, and the prevention and cure of blindness; care of people with learning disabilities in a way that provides lifelong commitment, a family environment and the maximum choice of activities and lifestyle; care of and services for people suffering from cancer, and their families. Grants vary in size and depend on a number of factors including the total funding requirement, charity size, purpose, and the amount available for distribution.  The Trustees prefer new or capital projects and only rarely fund running costs.

Jewish Child's Day Grant (UK)

Jewish Childs Day helps children who are blind, deaf, suffering from physical, learning or emotional difficulties; children who are abused, neglected, deprived or disadvantaged; children caught up in the ravages of terrorism and war; children caught in the poverty trap and children battling against severe illness or trauma. The grant offers many aspects including: wheelchairs and walking aids, educational and developmental computer equipment, therapy support and rehabilitation programmes, hearing stimulus and communication equipment, holidays, incubators, respirators, after school facilities, hot meals and home teaching for housebound children. Grants range from £500 - £5,000 and completed applications must be submitted by 30th December, 29th April and 26th August accordingly.

Ironmongers Foundation - Grants to Charities (UK)

The Ironmongers' Company aims to help people who are disadvantaged to improve their ability to make the most of life. Projects funded must focus on children and young people up to the age of 25, consist of educational opportunities that develop learning, motivation and skills and have clear objectives to be met within a planned timetable. The Company is particularly interested in enabling primary age children to develop a strong foundation for the future.  Grants are in the region of a few hundred pounds to £10,000. The appeals committee meets twice a year at the end of March and October. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 15 December and 31 July respectively.

Sobell Foundation Grant (UK)

The Sobell Foundation Grant focuses on children, the sick, elderly, needy and disabled. The Trustees aim to achieve a reasonable spread between Jewish charities (operating principally in the U.K. and Israel) and non-Jewish charities operating in the UK. The foundation concentrate their funding on small national or local charities. Funding is restricted to charities working in the following areas: Medical care and treatment, including respite care and hospices, Care for physically and mentally disabled adults and children, Education and training for adults and children with physical and learning disabilities, Care and support of the elderly, Care and support for children and Homelessness. The funding amount is discretionary and applications can be submitted at any time.

Baily Thomas Charitable Fund - General Grant (UK)

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund provides grants to support the care, relief, and research related to learning disabilities, including autism. Grants are available for both general projects and research initiatives, aimed at improving the lives of individuals affected by these conditions. Eligible applicants include charities, schools, and research institutions. The fund focuses on projects that deliver long-term benefits in the area of learning disabilities.

Rayne Foundation Grants Programme (UK)

The Rayne Foundation offers grants to tackle entrenched social issues through the arts, health, wellbeing, and education. The foundation has a particular focus on connecting communities, building bridges between marginalised groups and mainstream society, and enabling individuals to reach their full potential. The annual grant making programme is in the region of £1.5 million and grants typically fall in the range of £10,000 to £20,000 per annum for up to three years. Funding is available both for capital and revenue expenditure.