Grant Directories
YouthLink Scotland - Youth Work and Adult Learning (CLD) Workforce Development Fund (Scotland) |
Focus Foundation Grants Programme (UK) The Focus Foundation provides grants to support socially or economically underprivileged children or young people, mental health charities and initiatives, and charitable or community projects local to one of Focus Group’s UK regional offices. The Focus Foundation’s grants are designed to support community and charity groups that align with their core priorities, mainly targeting underprivileged children or young people and mental health initiatives. |
BBC Children in Need - Core Grants (UK) The BBC Children in Need Core Grants Programme distributes grants to not-for-profit organisations working with children and young people aged 18 or under. Funding is available to support essential organisational and administrative spending. These are the key expenses required to keep your organisation running and can include: Management and administration; HR and payroll; General office expenses; Accountancy and audit; Communications and outreach; Monitoring, evaluation, and learning; Governance, regulatory, and compliance costs. |
BBC Children in Need - Project Grants (UK) The BBC Children in Need Project grants programme distributes grants to support the aims and delivery of a specific piece of work. This work will usually be time-limited, and based on a defined set of activities. Grants are available for up to three years, grants for over £15,000 will only be considered from organisations who have registered with the appropriate regulatory body. These include the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Scottish Charity Register. |
Foundation Scotland – PF Charitable Trust (Scotland) The London based PF Charitable Trust has been using Foundation Scotland to distribute funds in Scotland since 1997, distributing over £800,000 in its name during this time. The PF Charitable Trust's funding policy is to support work at community level and the Foundation provides a valuable service in targeting appropriate groups. |
Radio Borders - Cash for Kids (Scottish Borders) Borders Radio Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
MFR - Cash for Kids (Moray, the Highlands and Aberdeenshire) MFR Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Clyde 2 - Cash for Kids (Glasgow & West Scotland) Clyde 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Clyde 1 - Cash for Kids (Glasgow & West Scotland) Clyde 1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Forth 2 - Cash for Kids (Edinburgh, The Lothans, Fife & Falkirk) Forth 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Forth 1 - Cash for Kids (Edinburgh, The Lothans, Fife & Falkirk) Forth 1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Tay 2 - Cash for Kids (Tayside & Fife) Tay 2 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Tay FM - Cash for Kids (Tayside & Fife) Tay FM Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
West FM - Cash for Kids (Ayrshire) West FM Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
Northsound1 - Cash for Kids (Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire) Northsound1 Cash for Kids distributes money to registered charities, to individuals to pay for specialist equipment, to sports organisations and to specialist projects for schools & playgroups; Projects must be for the benefit of young people under the age of 18; who are disabled and have special needs or who come from underprivileged backgrounds. |
CFM Radio - Cash for Kids (Cumbria & South West Scotland) Cash for Kids is Bauer Radio’s network of local charities, which operate across 22 areas around the UK. Its mission is to respond to the needs of children in their communities. CFM Radio in Cumbria and South West Scotland provides funding through the Cash for Kids grant scheme to charities, schools and individuals to support local children who suffer abuse or neglect, are disabled and have special needs or who simply need extra care or guidance. |
Local Schools Nature Grants Scheme (England, Scotland & Wales) The Local Schools Nature Grants Scheme allows schools in England, Scotland & Wales to apply for £500 worth of outdoor resources, and a two hour training session. Operated by Learning through Landscapes, the scheme is funded by Postcode Local Trust which receives funding from players of People's Postcode Lottery. Schools whose learners are aged 5+ and are passionate about making environmental improvements for the benefit of their pupils, staff and the community can apply to receive equipment to the value of £500 selected from a list of 72 items. Funded schools will show how they will make great use of the equipment and training supplied by the programme. The ideal partners will include children in the decision making and incorporate their local community. |
The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award (Scotland) The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award brings together young people, in their 6th year at school, from different social, religious and cultural backgrounds. It trains and supports them as they plan and deliver a project that will benefit their local community. |
BBC Children in Need - Main Grants Programme (UK) The BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme distributes grants of over £10,000 to not for profit organisations such as Registered charities; Voluntary organisations; Schools ; Churches; and Community groups, etc that work with disadvantaged children below the age of 18 living in the UK. In particular, grants are available for projects that help children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing illness, distress, abuse or neglect; any kind of disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties; and / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Applications should demonstrate how your project will change the lives of children for the better. |
The Wood Family Trust (Scotland / International) The Wood Foundation (TWF) is a Scottish based charity with a Global outlook. In Sub Saharan Africa and in the UK, TWF will invest in economic, community and enterprise initiatives which develop and support individuals to become caring and contributing members of society. The Foundation is proactive by nature and will only accept applications through our global citizenship programme. Funding is provided through three programme: Making Markets Work for the Poor Sub Saharan Africa; Facilitating Economic and Education Development in Scotland; and Developing Young People in Scotland |
Volunteering Support Fund (Scotland) The Voluntary Action Fund (VAF) is a long-established independent grant-making body which invests in voluntary organisations and community groups across Scotland. The Volunteering Support Programme supports third sector organisations to create new volunteering projects to; increase the diversity of their volunteers (especially those experiencing disadvantage); and improve opportunities, skills and personal development through volunteering. The Fund also helps organisations enhance their services and improve their capacity to deploy, support and train volunteers. Grants are available to organisations with an income of less than £250,000. |
BBC Children in Need - Small Grants Programme (UK) BBC Children in Need Small Grants programme distributes grants of up to £10,000 to not for profit organisations such as Registered charities; Voluntary organisations; Special Schools ; Churches; and Community groups, etc that work with disadvantaged children below the age of 18 living in the UK. . In particular, grants are available for projects that help children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing illness, distress, abuse or neglect; any kind of disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties; and / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Applications should demonstrate how your project will change the lives of children for the better. |
Foundation Scotland Grant Programmes (Scotland) Foundation Scotland (formerly Scottish Community Foundation) is one of the largest funders of the voluntary sector in Scotland and last year was responsible for distributing over £9million on behalf of their donors. The foundation runs a diverse range of funding programmes for organisations across Scotland who work to benefit a range of interests, causes and communities, and they are particularly interested in supporting organisations where a grant will have a significant impact and enable them to achieve their objectives. The Foundation Scotland website enables you to search for grants available in each area of Scotland; funding amounts vary for each programme and start from as little as £250. |