Grant Directories

Found 56 results in total
Scotmid - Community Connect Grant (Scotland)

Art Fund - Student Opportunities Programme (UK)

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation - Communities and Collections Fund (UK)

Heritage Crafts - Endangered Crafts Fund (UK)

The Endangered Crafts Fund provides small grants to craft practitioners and organizations for projects aimed at ensuring the long-term viability or survival of heritage craft skills. It supports innovations for sustainability, skills transfer, and professional development in endangered crafts.

Heritage Crafts - Maker Relief Fund (UK)

The Maker Relief Fund supports professional craftspeople in the UK who are experiencing financial hardships. It offers 50 grants of £1,000 each over a 12-month period from November 2024 to October 2025. The fund aims to assist individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with low income, disabilities, chronic health issues, and more.

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation - Youth-Led Creativity Programme (UK)

Constance Travis Charitable Trust (UK)

The Constance Travis Charitable Trust offers grants to local, national and international charities covering activities in medical care and research, environment protection, international aid, animal welfare, community projects, social mobility enhancement, educational projects and outreach in the arts.

Foundation Scotland - RWE Bad á Cheò Wind Farm Community Fund (Halkirk & District)

Foundation Scotland exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the RWE Bad á Cheò Wind Farm Community Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £10,000 to supports charitable activities or services that benefit people living in the Community Council area of Halkirk & District in Caithness. 

Foundation Scotland - Achlachan Wind Farm Community Fund (Highland)

Foundation Scotland exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities.  Through the Achlachan Wind Farm Community Fund the foundation provides grants of up to £10,000 to support community activity and development in the Halkirk & District Community Council area, with priority given to projects within a four-kilometre radius of the Achlachan Wind Farm (Fund Priority Area). Grants are available to support the charitable activities of constituted not-for-profit groups working to benefit the communities therein.

Shetland Charitable Trust - Small Grants Scheme (Shetland)

The purpose of the Shetland Charitable Trust is to use its available funds to benefit and improve the quality of life of all people living in Shetland. Through the Small Grant's programme the trust will provide up to 75 per cent of project costs and will be open to constituted community groups with a turnover of less than £50,000 a year involved in the fields of social care and welfare, arts and culture, heritage and the environment or sport and recreation. Grants of £500 to £5,000 are available.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Professional Language Grant (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Language Grant programme the foundation provides funding of up to £2,000 to enable Jewish heritage professionals to take an online course in Hebrew or any Jewish language (e.g. Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish).  This opportunity is open to professionals working in a Jewish heritage institution (museum, library, archive, NGO, etc.) to enable them to take an online course in a Jewish language that can help them grow in their professional capacity. The course must be administered by an institution, whether university, community centre or language school, and must deliver a certificate of attendance.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Conferences, Seminars and Courses Grant (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Travel Grants programme the foundation provides funding of up to £1,000 to support a museum professional working in a Jewish museum or with a European Jewish collection to attend a conference, participate in a seminar or conduct a specific site visit within Europe. The grant may support some travel, accommodation and conference fee.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Expert/Consultants Visit Programme (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Expert Visit programme the foundation provides grants for a museum or heritage institution to receive the visit of an independent expert to help assess a collection, conservation needs, and digital strategies; give curatorial advice for new exhibitions or displays; or provide other sorts of professional guidance. The expert visit is designed to help the heritage institution make sound choices according to its location, size, collection, purpose, and target audience, and enhance the documentation, preservation, and visibility of its Jewish heritage.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Travelling Exhibition Programme (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Travelling exhibition programme the foundation provides grants of up to £75,000 to enable a European museum to rent a temporary exhibition (currently on display or a previous exhibition) of Jewish interest from another European museum (this excludes Israel and North America), to cover (some of) the following: loan fee, insurance, transportation, translation, staff visits, and design adaptations.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Temporary Exhibition Programme (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Temporary Exhibition programme the foundation provides grants of up to £75,000 to enable a European museum to create a new temporary exhibition of Jewish interest using items from its own collection, with the intent of renting it to other museums later on. The grant would cover (some of) the following: research, conservation, purchase of equipment, design, and loan costs.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Exhibition Support (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Core Exhibition programme the foundation provides grants of up to £75,000 per year (maximum of two years) for new museums developing their core exhibition or for existing museums revamping their core exhibition. Funds are available for curating the exhibition, the acquisition of professional equipment, exhibition building and design, as well as outside consultants. Funds are not available for building renovations, new buildings or operational costs. 

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Collections Management(Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Museums Collection Management programme the foundation provides grants of up to £75,000 to support the conservation and/or preservation of individual objects, groups of objects, or the improvement of conservation and/or preservation programmes through the purchase of supplies and equipment, including security measures, insurance, and temperature and humidity controls. Grants are available to museums wishing to develop better and more accessible inventory of collections, particularly digitisation, online cataloguing and other technology-based improvements. 

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - Archives and Libraries Digital Humanities Resource Development and Enhancement (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Archives and Libraries Digital Humanities Resource Development and Enhancement programme the foundation provides funding for the digitisation and transcription of Jewish archival or library collections, as well as the creation of accompanying metadata, using techniques such as OCR, TEI, or Linked Open Data. Collections may contain documentary, as well as audio-visual, photographic or born-digital materials. Eligible costs include additional staff hours for the creation, processing and indexing of digital materials, the ongoing development of projects’ technical architecture, equipment costs (no more than 35% of the overall budget), and travel for project partners to meet. 

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Professional Development (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Archives and Libraries Professional Training Programme the foundation provides grants for the training of staff at all levels, including archivists, librarians, conservators, photographers, etc. This may include consultation visits by archival or library experts to European Jewish institutions, as well as learning trips by archival or library staff members seeking to visit experts based at other European institutions. This may also cover visits by professionals to help seek strategic advice for the future of their archive or library.

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe - European Jewish Heritage Professional Development Language Grant (Europe)

The Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe aims to ensure that Jewish culture and heritage are actively supported, valued and looked after for generations to come. Through the Professional Development Language Grant programme the foundation provides funding of up to £2,000 to enable Jewish heritage professionals to take an online course in Hebrew or any Jewish language (e.g. Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish). The course must be administered by an institution, whether university, community centre or language school, and must deliver a certificate of attendance.

Shetland Charitable Trust - Main Grant Scheme (Shetland)

The purpose of the Shetland Charitable Trust is to use its available funds to benefit and improve the quality of life of all people living in Shetland. Through the Main Grants Scheme the trust provides funding for projects that promote inclusion and reduce inequalities in Shetland through the following activities: Arts and Culture; Sport and Recreation; Heritage and the Environment; Social Care and Welfare. 

Schroder Charity Trust

The Schroder Charity Trust is an independent grant-making Family Trust that has been supporting the charitable and voluntary sector for over 70 years.   The Trust makes grants in the areas of Arts, Culture and heritage; Environment and Conservation; Strengthening Communities; Education, Training and Employment; Health and Wellbeing.

NESTA - Arts & Culture Impact Fund (UK)

The Arts & Culture Impact Fund brings together public, private and charitable funding to provide affordable repayable finance to the UK’s arts, culture and heritage organisations able to demonstrate measurable positive social impact. The funding could be used, among other things, to acquire new assets, improve built infrastructure, develop new ventures or scale up existing revenue streams.

EventScotland - Beacon Events Programme (Scotland)

VisitScotland is the national tourism organisation for Scotland with the aim of contributing significantly to the advancement of Scottish tourism. Through the Beacon Events programme VisitScotland aims to support uniquely Scottish events, which generate tourism benefits, contribute significantly to the Scotland the Perfect Stage impact areas and act as examples of best practice.

EventScotland - International Events Programme (Scotland)

VisitScotland is the national tourism organisation for Scotland with the aim of contributing significantly to the advancement of Scottish tourism.   Through the International Events Programme, EventScotland fund major, world-class events which are raising the profile of Scotland’s Perfect Stage around the world.

EventScotland - Scottish Clans & Historical Figures Event Fund (Scotland)

VisitScotland is the national tourism organisation for Scotland with the aim of contributing significantly to the advancement of Scottish tourism.  The aim of the Scottish Clans & Historical Figures Event Fund is to support the growth of events taking place in Scotland that publicly celebrate clans, recognised families and historical figures using their stories and legacy to bring communities together.

EventScotland - Winter Festivals Programme (Scotland)

VisitScotland is the national tourism organisation for Scotland with the aim of contributing significantly to the advancement of Scottish tourism.   Through the Winter Festivals programme VisitScotland aims to bring together communities and visitors from all over the world to celebrate Scotland’s heritage, traditions and modern culture through the best of Scottish music, food and drink, arts and entertainment.

British Council - Connections Through Culture: China and the UK

Connections through Culture is a long-term programme to develop exciting cultural collaborations between artists and arts organisations, supporting long-lasting relationships between China and the UK. The programme offers support, information, advice, networking opportunities and development grants to artists and arts organisations in China and the UK.

Wolfson Foundation – Funding for Museums and Galleries (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Museums and Galleries funding stream the Foundation aims to support organisations undertaking projects to improve the display and interpretation of nationally significant collections for the public. Grants are generally awarded towards refurbishing or creating new galleries and, occasionally, education and learning spaces.

Wolfson Foundation – Funding for Libraries and Archives (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Libraries and Archives funding stream the Foundation aims to support organisations caring for nationally significant collections and which have a clear emphasis on public access and engagement. Grants are generally awarded towards collection storage facilities and research, education or interpretation spaces.

Wolfson Foundation – Funding for Historic Buildings and Landscapes (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to support and promote excellence in education, science & medicine, the arts & humanities and health & disability. Through its Funding for Historic Buildings and Landscapes funding stream the Foundation aims to support organisations managing sites of outstanding historic, architectural and cultural significance and that have a clear emphasis on public access and engagement. Grants are awarded towards conservation and restoration work, interpretation, and education spaces.

Museums Galleries Scotland - Museum Development Fund (Scotland)

Museums can apply for grants of between £15,000 to £50,000 (or up to £60,000 for museums caring for Recognised Collections for projects relating to those collections) for projects which will help your museum to make strategic steps towards becoming more resilient organisations in line with the aims of the National Strategy.  Funding is available for discrete projects that are additional to, or will help Museums to strategically develop their core work.

Hays Travel Foundation (UK)

Hays Travel Foundation was created in 2015. The foundation works with organisations that support people, who for one reason or another need help to achieve their potential. The foundations focus is on the following objectives: Education; Poverty; Health; Art’s and Culture; Sport. Support is provided to registered charities working with young people under the age of 25 in an area where Hays Travel operates.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage: £250,000 - £10million (UK)

The National Lottery Heritage Fund uses money raised by players of the National Lottery to fund projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK. This could include oral history; cultural traditions; nature; natural and designed landscapes; community archaeology; historic buildings, monuments and environments; collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives; etc. Funding is available for repairs and conservation, digital technology, new staff posts, paid training placements and professional fees. Grants range from £3,000 to £5,000,000.

PRS Foundation – Resonate (UK)

The Resonate programme is a new fund from the PRS Foundation which encourages professional orchestras to programme into their repertoire the best pieces of British Music from the past 25 years. The programme aims to inspire more performances, recordings and broadcasts of outstanding contemporary repertoire, as chosen by UK orchestras, whilst strengthening approaches to programming this music for the benefit of audiences, composers and players in the UK and overseas. Grants of up to £15,000 are available to orchestras who commit to exploring contemporary UK repertoire as part of a season/tour and longer-term audience development programme.

Screen Scotland - Film Development and Production Fund (Scotland)

Creative Scotland’s film development and production fund aims to balance projects that have a strong cultural impact with those that have strong economic potential. Priority will be given to the development and production of projects by filmmakers based in Scotland, as well as projects which reflect or promote Scottish culture, creativity and diversity. Projects which offer significant opportunities to people currently under-represented in the sector will also be a priority. Funding will also be available for the production of projects in Scotland from international producers, but only when working with writing and directing talent based in Scotland.

Association of Independent Museums - Collections Care Scheme (UK)

The Association of Independent Museums supports independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations in the UK. The AIM Collections Care Grant Scheme which is funded by the Pilgrim Trust has been set up to help small museums develop a more sustainable approach to the conservation and management of their collections through improvements to collections care within their museum. Grants may enable museums to receive tailored, specialist advice about care of collections, equipment to implement that advice, training of staff or volunteers to use new equipment. The maximum grant available is £10,000.

Association of Independent Museums - Training Grants (UK)

The Association of Independent Museums support and champion independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations in the UK. The AIM Training Grants Programme helps to support member museums in developing the skills and expertise of their staff and trustees. Grants of up to £350 are available for course fees, conferences, museum study visits and mentoring placements. Priority will be given to smaller museums receiving fewer than 20,000 visitors per year. Funding can be used for fees, accommodation and travel costs

Association of Independent Museums - Collections Care Audits (UK)

The Association of Independent Museums support and champion independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations in the UK. The Collection Care Audits programme is designed to enable small museums to undertake a basic professional collections care audit. Audits will be carried out by an accredited conservator to help smaller AIM members identify key issues and priorities for their museum. Funded by the Pilgrim Trust, the scheme will support museums to care for their collections more effectively and efficiently in the long-term, to meet the standards required for Accreditation and will give museums the option to undertake an audit before making a full application to the AIM Collections Care Grant Scheme. The funded support will be £1,200 plus travel and VAT if necessary to cover the costs of the accredited conservator undertaking the audit

Scottish Power Foundation (UK)

The Scottish Power Foundation provides support for charities and not for profit organisations across the UK. Funding is available for the following purposes: the advancement of education; the advancement of environmental protection; the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science; the prevention or relief of poverty and the relief of those in need by reason of disability or other disadvantage; the advancement of citizenship and community development.

Henry Smith Charity - Christian Projects (UK)

The Henry Smith Charity is one of the largest independent grant making trusts in the UK. The Christian Projects grant programme provides grants in excess of £10,000 per year for up to three years to support projects that explicitly promote the Christian faith in the UK. Funding is available for projects that set out to nurture and grow people's journey in Christian faith and grow churches, and will only support work that comes from a Church of England context. Projects should meet one of the following four priority areas: Meeting the spiritual needs of older people (including those with dementia); Meeting the spiritual needs of those with a learning disability and those who have cognitive impairments; Reaching out to the unchurched - especially young people and young families; Projects which support and care for Anglican clergy at times of acute need.

Tasgadh - Small Grants for Traditional Arts (Scotland)

Tasgadh is a fund devolved from Creative Scotland, managed by Fèisean nan Gàidheal and open to organisations and individuals. Tasgadh is designed to provide support for traditional artists and organisations to create, perform, tour and showcase work. The fund can also support professional development and learning projects. Tasgadh cannot support the purchase of equipment nor can the fund be used to match other Creative Scotland funds. Examples of projects funded are Pipe Band Workshops and Master-classes, Storytelling Sessions and a Gaelic Choir residential weekend

Rhododendron Trust (UK)

The Rhododendron Trust makes grants of £1,000 to £2,000 to registered charities supporting the disadvantaged in the developing world and the UK and to those supporting the arts and wildlife. Smaller Charities are prioritised. In the developing world, the Trust prefers to support charities benefitting people affected by poverty and, for example, disability, age, gender, ethnic status, poor medical, welfare or educational infrastructure. In the UK, support is given to charities working with those disadvantaged by disability or mental illness; prisoners and ex-offenders; drug addiction; homelessness; carers; the elderly; disadvantaged children. Arts and Nature funding is mainly through the National Churches Trust and Fauna and Flora International, however proposals for small theatre and music projects, for the protection of cultural and natural heritage or environmental sustainability are accepted.

Foundation Scotland (Scotland)

Foundation Scotland is one of 48 community foundations across the UK. The Foundation was established to help people and organisations give to good causes effectively and inexpensively, it is able to support registered and non-registered charities. Support generally falls under the broad heading of community benefit. Foundation Scotland is able to fund a wide range of project costs including revenue and capital cost for small projects, start-up, development and expansion grants for social enterprises and community organisations and mixed grant and loan packages to enable established organisations to play a more meaningful role in community regeneration. The Foundation also manages Community Benefit funds for a number of wind farms across Scotland.

Foyle Foundation - Main Grants Scheme - Learning (UK)

The Foyle Foundation is an independent grantmaking trust that distributes grants to UK charities. It provides grants primarily in the areas of Arts and Learning. The Main Grants Scheme - Learning programme supports charities with projects that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and which have a long term strategic impact. Key areas for support are: libraries, museums and archives; special educational needs; projects that encourage sustainability by reducing overheads or which help generate additional revenue. Examples of previous funding include: Imperial War Museum - redevelopment of First World War galleries; Lakeland Arts Trust, Kendal - replacement facilities for the Windermere Steamboat Museum and re-open it to the public. The majority of grants will be in the range of £10,000 to £50,000.

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Access and Participation Fund (UK)

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is one of the larger independent grant-making foundations in the UK. The Arts Participation Fund provides grants of between £30,000 and £400,000 for activity lasting between 12 months and 4 years with an option to extend for a further period. Applications are accepted for work that involves any of the following: crafts, dance, design, digital arts and media, film, literature, music, opera, photography, theatre, the visual arts, and cross-arts practices.