Grant Directories
GEM Road Safety Charity (UK) |
Motability - Community Transport Grants (UK) |
Motability Foundation - Travelling with Confidence Grant Programme (UK) |
Motability - Active Travel Grant Programme |
Paths for All - Community Paths Grants (Scotland) The Community Paths Grants program supports community groups and charitable organizations in Scotland with small grants to maintain, upgrade, create, and promote community path networks. The initiative offers small grants up to £1,800, which can be used for various activities such as improving and maintaining existing paths, purchasing tools and materials, hiring contractors, and enhancing biodiversity. |
Paths for All - Ian Findlay Path Fund (Scotland) The Ian Findlay Path Fund supports community and third sector organisations in Scotland to improve local path networks, facilitating active travel through walking, wheeling, or cycling. The fund aims to enhance local path networks within and between communities, making active travel more accessible and appealing. Projects should facilitate active travel and meet specific outcomes such as improving accessibility, increasing path resilience, developing new link paths, improving user safety, and encouraging community use of path networks. |
Sustrans - Places for Everyone (Scotland) Sustrans Scotland provides advice, support and funding for the creation of infrastructure that makes it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle for everyday journeys. Through the Places for Everyone programme Sustrans provides funding and expertise to help deliver walking, wheeling and cycling improvements across the country. |
The Road Safety Trust – Small grants (UK) The Road Safety Trust is an independent grant-giving trust which supports projects and research that make UK roads safer for all road users. The main aim of the Small Grants Programme is to improve road safety at a local level. Funding is available for projects that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures. Eligible projects are pilots/trials, expanding successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of interventions. Projects should have the potential for being brought to scale - with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths and injuries both locally and across the UK. |
The Road Safety Trust – Major Themed grants (UK) The Road Safety Trust is an independent grant-giving trust which supports projects and research that make UK roads safer for all road users. Each year the Trust invites applications on a major road safety theme, for 2020 the theme will be “How can technology be used to reduce road offending and promote safe driving?”. Major themed grants will be expected to focus on engineering, infrastructure and technological measures, while recognising the contribution of education and enforcement to these measures. Grants are available for up to two or three years, and these can range from £10,000 up to £200,000. |
The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund (UK) The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund provides support for education and research in transport; and helps fund projects that improve the roadside environment for motorists and other road users. Funding is available to support education and research in transport. Proposals which have national rather than local application are favoured and particularly those which involve other funding partners. Education and training awards concentrate upon the award of bursaries to Transport Masters students but applications from other projects in this field are welcomed. Physical roadside projects are often those submitted by the Wildlife Trusts, but other such projects would be considered. Examples of previous funding include: Research on changes in road and rail travel trends in Great Britain; Cycling safety in London; Economic evaluation of road safety schemes; A Safe Drive Stay Alive film. |