Grant Directories
Hospice UK - Professional Development Grants & Bursaries (UK) |
Ufi VocTech Trust - Ufi Ventures Challenge Fund (UK) |
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Family Focus Programme 2024/25 (UK) The Family Focus Programme 2024/25 aims to enhance support for families of wounded, injured, and sick serving personnel and veterans through grants for projects that pilot solutions for these families. The programme offers grants ranging from £50,000 to £100,000 for projects lasting 12 to 18 months. It focuses on enhancing access to support, improving family bonds, increasing resilience, addressing changing needs, supporting parents, and improving employability for family carers. |
Royal British Legion - Employment Grant (UK) The Royal British Legion Employment grant is available to all ex-serving armed forces personnel and their families, specifically those who are unemployed or under employed. There are two types of grant available: A training, travel, accommodation and equipment grant – Provides applicants with support to address unemployment or under-employment. Childcare and medical costs linked to difficulties around attending training are also considered. The cap for this grant is £1,000; A licences grant – A licence grant is awarded if it will assist applicants to find or continue work. Typically, this is to fund the provision of a professional licence that is needed for the applicants work, for example a Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence. This is a one-off grant with a cap of £250. |
Human Resources Professionals Charitable Trust (UK) |
Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland - The Curtin PARP Fund (Tyne & Wear and Northumberland) The Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Curtin Passionate about Realising Your Potential (PARP) Fund the foundation provides grants of between £500 and £7,000 to support individuals in Tyne and Wear and Northumberland to realise their potential. The fund particularly prioritises support for carers of all ages, Black and Minority Ethnic people including those with asylum seeker/refugee status, disabled people, homeless people and people who are experiencing disadvantage that prevents them from realising their potential. |
Woman to Woman Fund (UK) Rosa's Woman to Woman Fund offers grants of up to £25,000 to local grassroots women's organisations across the UK. Grants are available for groups with an income of under £100,000 per year to support a wide range of charitable work that benefits women. Project themes can include, for example, building confidence and leadership skills, tackling harassment and violence, training in financial literacy and increasing engagement in decision-making. Rosa especially wants to support groups that work with disadvantaged communities or in disadvantaged areas. Grants can pay for core work, as well as mobilising volunteers, leadership development, communications and advocacy. As well as grants, Rosa will provide additional support that women's groups identify, including mentoring, training and networking opportunities. |
Point North Community Foundation (County Durham) County Durham Community Foundation (CDCF) is one of 48 community foundations across the UK. The Foundation's aim is dedicated to helping communities across County Durham to grow by creating opportunities and tackling issues of disadvantage and exclusion. Support generally falls under the broad heading of social welfare with grants specifically targeted in ways that will enable people and communities to fulfil their potential. The community projects supported will be working at a grassroots level to improve the vitality of their neighbourhoods. Projects might include training and skills development for the unemployed, environmental improvements, activities for children and young people or reducing the isolation of rural communities. Grants to individuals and families who are in need of some help are also available. |
Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland (Tyne & Wear and Northumberland) The Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland is one of 48 community foundations across the UK. The Foundation's aim is to provide grants and other support to groups and individuals by matching applications to donors' interests. The Foundation supports a wide range of people and causes across three broad themes: supporting people to overcome disadvantage, creating stronger communities and making the area a good place to live. The Foundation is particularly keen to help grassroots community groups and small-to-medium-sized voluntary organisations. Grants to large UK-wide charities are not normally made but may be considered where there are strong relationships in the Tyne & Wear and Northumberland area and the proposal has potential to achieve a substantial impact. |