Local Funding
The discretionary Home Plus Grant is specifically designed to provide practical help to elderly or infirm residents with small-scale works of repair, improvement or adaptation, such as rewiring, security measures or repairing a leaking roof.
Applicants who are 60 years old or over must be in receipt of one or more of the following income related benefits:
- Income Support or Income-based Employment & Support Allowance
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Council Tax Benefit (not circumstantial reductions, e.g. single person discount)
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
Applicants who are under 60 years old must be in recepit of one or more of the benefits listed above in addition to, one or more of the following disability/illness related benefits:
- Long Term Incapacity Benefit
- Employment & Support Allowance (Support Component)
- Severe Disablement Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance
- Disabled Persons Tax Credit
Please see the Hartlepool BC website for details.
Telephone: 01429 523705
Email: privatesectorhousing@hartlepool.gov.uk
Address: Regeneration & Neighbourhoods
Civic Centre
Victoria Road
Hartlepool , TS24 8AY