Local Funding

Jeans for Genes
Genetic Disorders UK

Genetic Disorders UK was established in April 2011 to act as an umbrella charity for a variety of activities to support individuals and families affected by genetic disorders, including fundraising initiatives such as Jeans for Genes Day. Jeans for Genes Day, when children and adults across the UK are encouraged to wear their jeans to school or to work in exchange for a small donation, was launched in 1996 to inspire the public to raise money for children affected by genetic disorders.

Jeans for Genes Day/Genetic Disorders UK Grant Programme aims to offer support groups and charities that care for children affected by a genetic disorder the opportunity to secure funding for a project that will make a tangible difference to their members.

Funding is available for projects that will make a tangible difference to children and families affected by genetic disorders. Projects must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The project must benefit children (18 years or under) affected by genetic disorders.
  • The proposed project is of one year’s duration or less.
  • The proposed project will take place in the UK and/or will benefit UK families. 
  • The project’s activities are tangible and identifiable.
  • The size of the Jeans for Genes grant can make an acknowledgeable impact on the project.
  • The charity or support group has a child protection policy in place (if applicable).
