Local Funding

Community Empowerment Grant
Falkirk Council

A £300,000 grant program designed to support community groups and third sector organisations.

The Community Empowerment Fund (part of the broader Shared Prosperity Fund or SPF) is a community capacity building initiative that aims to boost local projects across the Falkirk area.

Community groups and Third Sector Organisations.

Start-up Grants

Non-constituted groups, new groups, or those in the early stages of formation can apply for this grant. The purpose is to assist with initial start-up costs, such as bank account setup, hall hire, and developing a constitution. Maximum Award: £2,000.

Small Grant

Constituted groups seeking support for sustaining or developing their group/service can apply for this grant. It helps overcome barriers to growth and development. Maximum Award: £8,000.

Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Grant

Groups undergoing or planning to begin the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) process can apply for this grant. It covers costs associated with CAT, such as legal fees and expert advice. Maximum Award: £12,500.

Application forms will be available in paper form in local libraries and community centres as well as applying online with the application form below. This can be returned to spf.communities@falkirk.gov.uk

Once submitted, it is expected that a decision will be made within eight weeks by an Approvals Panel, comprising representatives from the Community Planning Partnership, Falkirk Council, and the Voluntary Sector.

Successful recipients will be invited to participate in capacity-building activities alongside Falkirk Council and CVS Falkirk. This collaborative effort aims to boost each project's potential, ensuring long-term viability and growth.

The fund is open until March 2025.

Any questions or enquires please contact spf.communities@falkirk.gov.u