Local Funding

Braintree District Council - Disabled Facilities Grant
Braintree District Council
Disabled Facilities Grants are available for a range of works needed to help people with disabilities live more independently in their homes. If you are registered disabled, the grant is mandatory for essential adaptions to give you better freedom of movement into and around your home and to essential facilities within it.

Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grants are available to applicants for the purpose of
providing a disabled person with the following:

• Certain facilities within the dwelling
• Access into and around the dwelling
• Access to essential facilities and amenities within the dwelling

Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants are available to make the dwelling suitable for a disabled person in terms of their accommodation, welfare and employment.
• a disabled person can apply if they are an owner-occupier or a tenant

• anyone who is an owner-occupier or a tenant and who has a disabled person livingin their home, can apply on their behalf

• a landlord can apply on behalf of a disabled tenant
While grants for a range of works are mandatory you should not assume that
you will automatically qualify for a grant, as they are means tested and some works are only approved at the Local Authority's discretion.

The amount of grant you get will be decided by a test of financial resources (means test) which is dependant on your income and capital. This will determine how much you can afford to pay towards the cost of the works. The grant will be the reasonable cost of the approved works less your assessed contribution.
Environmental Services Department,
Braintree District Council,
Causeway House,
Bocking End,
Essex, CM7 9HB.

Telephone: 01376 551414 ext 2221
Email: phandh@braintree.gov.uk