Local Funding

Huntingdonshire Capital Grant Aid for Community Projects
Huntingdonshire District Council
Huntingdonshire District Council provides grants to Community projects to support the Council's policy of providing a meeting place, playing field and safe play area in each identifiable community within the District.

Applicants to the grant scheme will need to meet the following priorities:

1. projects for the correction of health and safety failures;

2. projects for the provision of facilities where none currently exist;

3. projects for the replacement of provision which has come to the end of its natural life;

4. projects for the improvement or replacement of existing facilities; and

5. projects to assist organisations comply with legislative requirements.
Community groups within the district of Huntingdonshire.
The current maximum amount of grant aid for these facilities is £25,000. The Council will also apply the following scales to capital grant aid applications:

-up to 25% of cost for repairs and improvements;

- up to 33% of cost for new buildings and extensions; and

- up to 67% of cost for new facilities or extensions in areas of high priority.
Dan Smith
Community Initiatives Manager
Huntingdonshire District Council
Pathfinder House
St Mary's Street

Email: dan.smith@huntsdc.gov.uk