Grant Directories

VocTech Seed (UK)
UFI Charitable Trust

The Ufi Charitable Trust (Ufi) believes that digital technology can play a greater role in enabling adults to get the skills needed for work in the 21st century. Ufi want to see digital technology being used to significantly improve how vocational learning is developed and delivered; and to ‘scale up’ this impact to make vocational learning ...

The Ufi Charitable Trust (Ufi) believes that digital technology can play a greater role in enabling adults to get the skills needed for work in the 21st century. Ufi want to see digital technology being used to significantly improve how vocational learning is developed and delivered; and to ‘scale up’ this impact to make vocational learning ...

The Ufi Charitable Trust (Ufi) believes that digital technology can play a greater role in enabling adults to get the skills needed for work in the 21st century. Ufi want to see digital technology being used to significantly improve how vocational learning is developed and delivered; and to ‘scale up’ this impact to make vocational learning ...

Application Status: Open to applications