Grant Directories

Cash for Kids - Holiday Hunger Grants (UK)
Cash for Kids

Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity helping the children that need it most across the UK.  The Holiday Hunger grants offer funding to organisations and service providers that give disadvantaged children (up to 18 years old) access to food and activities during school holidays. The projects should help children eat healthily and be active.

Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity helping the children that need it most across the UK.  The Holiday Hunger grants offer funding to organisations and service providers that give disadvantaged children (up to 18 years old) access to food and activities during school holidays. The projects should help children eat healthily and be active.

Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity helping the children that need it most across the UK.  The Holiday Hunger grants offer funding to organisations and service providers that give disadvantaged children (up to 18 years old) access to food and activities during school holidays. The projects should help children eat healthily and be active.

Application Status: Open to applications