Grant Directories

Taith Pathway 1 - FE and VET (Wales)

Taith is Wales’ international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. Through the Pathway 1 FE and VET programme they provide support the physical and virtual outward and inward exchange of learners and staff, including short and longer exchanges, and may include vi...

Taith is Wales’ international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. Through the Pathway 1 FE and VET programme they provide support the physical and virtual outward and inward exchange of learners and staff, including short and longer exchanges, and may include vi...

Taith is Wales’ international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. Through the Pathway 1 FE and VET programme they provide support the physical and virtual outward and inward exchange of learners and staff, including short and longer exchanges, and may include vi...

Application Status: Open to applications