Grant Directories

Pupil Development Grant – Access (Wales)
Welsh Assembly Government

The Welsh Governments Pupil Development Grant can provide £125 and £200 for those learners entering year 7 to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school. Looked after children and learners eligible for free school meals can apply for funding if they are: entering reception class in primary school; enteri...

The Welsh Governments Pupil Development Grant can provide £125 and £200 for those learners entering year 7 to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school. Looked after children and learners eligible for free school meals can apply for funding if they are: entering reception class in primary school; enteri...

The Welsh Governments Pupil Development Grant can provide £125 and £200 for those learners entering year 7 to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school. Looked after children and learners eligible for free school meals can apply for funding if they are: entering reception class in primary school; enteri...

Application Status: Open to applications