Grant Directories
The Old Possums Practical Trust Grants aim is to increase knowledge and appreciation of any matters of historic, artistic, architectural, aesthetic, literary, musical or theatrical interest. Grants are more likely to be given for projects that involve: children or young people, disabled or disadvantaged people and communities and those projects ...
The Old Possums Practical Trust Grants aim is to increase knowledge and appreciation of any matters of historic, artistic, architectural, aesthetic, literary, musical or theatrical interest. Grants are more likely to be given for projects that involve: children or young people, disabled or disadvantaged people and communities and those projects ...
The Old Possums Practical Trust Grants aim is to increase knowledge and appreciation of any matters of historic, artistic, architectural, aesthetic, literary, musical or theatrical interest. Grants are more likely to be given for projects that involve: children or young people, disabled or disadvantaged people and communities and those projects ...