Grant Directories

Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation (UK)
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation

The objects of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation are to promote culture, heritage and the arts for the public benefit. As well as providing Musical Theatre scholarships and supporting projects through The Architectural Heritage Fund, the Trustees welcome applications to support projects in the areas of culture, heritage and the arts and will co...

The objects of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation are to promote culture, heritage and the arts for the public benefit. As well as providing Musical Theatre scholarships and supporting projects through The Architectural Heritage Fund, the Trustees welcome applications to support projects in the areas of culture, heritage and the arts and will co...

The objects of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation are to promote culture, heritage and the arts for the public benefit. As well as providing Musical Theatre scholarships and supporting projects through The Architectural Heritage Fund, the Trustees welcome applications to support projects in the areas of culture, heritage and the arts and will co...

Application Status: Closed to applications