Grant Directories

UK India Research and Education Initiative (UK)
UK India Research and Education Initiative

UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) started in April 2006 with the aim of enhancing educational links between India and the UK. UKIERI has been recognized as a key multi stakeholder programme that has strengthened the educational relations between the two countries and been successful in covering all segments of the education sec...

UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) started in April 2006 with the aim of enhancing educational links between India and the UK. UKIERI has been recognized as a key multi stakeholder programme that has strengthened the educational relations between the two countries and been successful in covering all segments of the education sec...

UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) started in April 2006 with the aim of enhancing educational links between India and the UK. UKIERI has been recognized as a key multi stakeholder programme that has strengthened the educational relations between the two countries and been successful in covering all segments of the education sec...

Application Status: Open to applications