Grant Directories

Cumbria Community Foundation - The Barker Family Fund (Cumbria)
Cumbria Community Foundation

The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Barker Family Fund, the Foundation provides grants of up to £2,500 for not-for-profit organisations which help to empower...

The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Barker Family Fund, the Foundation provides grants of up to £2,500 for not-for-profit organisations which help to empower...

The Cumbria Community Foundation exists to benefit disadvantaged people and communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference within their local area. Through the Barker Family Fund, the Foundation provides grants of up to £2,500 for not-for-profit organisations which help to empower...

Application Status: Open to applications