Grant Directories

Museums Galleries Scotland - Museum Development Fund (Scotland)
Museum Galleries Scotland

Museums can apply for grants of between £15,000 to £50,000 (or up to £60,000 for museums caring for Recognised Collections for projects relating to those collections) for projects which will help your museum to make strategic steps towards becoming more resilient organisations in line with the aims of the National Strategy.  Funding is avail...

Museums can apply for grants of between £15,000 to £50,000 (or up to £60,000 for museums caring for Recognised Collections for projects relating to those collections) for projects which will help your museum to make strategic steps towards becoming more resilient organisations in line with the aims of the National Strategy.  Funding is avail...

Museums can apply for grants of between £15,000 to £50,000 (or up to £60,000 for museums caring for Recognised Collections for projects relating to those collections) for projects which will help your museum to make strategic steps towards becoming more resilient organisations in line with the aims of the National Strategy.  Funding is avail...

Application Status: Open to applications