Grant News

Funding to Encourage Young People to Study Science Subjects (UK)

In response to the much publicised skills gap in the British engineering industry, the Ironmongers’ Foundation wishes to support initiatives that encourage talented young people under the age of 25 to study science subjects at school and go on to pursue STEM-related further education or vocational training;  particularly in the area of Materials Science.

The funding is available to registered or exempt charities within the UK, with a preference for urban areas outside London and particularly areas in the north and midlands with a manufacturing presence. Grants are made to registered or exempt charities only. Applications will not be accepted from schools. 

Activities must be additional to those funded by government or other sources e.g. covered by school budgets. Applications will not be accepted from schools.

The Foundation prefers to support smaller projects where it is the sole funder or its contribution makes a real difference. Most grants are below £10,000.

The Foundation Committee meets three times per year in January, May and September. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 1 December, 1 April and 1 August respectively.

24th February 2025