Grant News

Funding Available to Support Vulnerable Energy Consumers (England, Scotland & Wales)
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme (Energy Redress Scheme) has re-opened for applications, offering a total of £40 million in grant funding to charities and community energy groups across England, Scotland, and Wales. This funding aims to support projects that assist households most at risk from cold homes and high energy bills, develop innovative products and services related to domestic energy use, and reduce carbon emissions.

The scheme provides funding through four distinct streams:

  • Main Fund: £27 million available for projects supporting vulnerable households. Grants range from £50,000 to £2 million.
  • Small Project Fund: £1 million available for smaller initiatives addressing households in vulnerable situations. Grants range from £20,000 to £49,999.
  • Innovation Fund: £6 million available for developing innovative products or services that benefit households. Grants range from £20,000 to £1 million.
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund: £6 million available for projects that reduce UK carbon emissions and empower households to lower their carbon footprint. Grants range from £20,000 to £1 million.

Since its launch in 2018, the Energy Redress Scheme has allocated £128 million to over 611 projects across England, Scotland, and Wales. These projects have included impartial energy advice services for vulnerable individuals, digital media campaigns to engage hard-to-reach audiences, research ensuring new energy technologies meet the needs of elderly and disabled people, initiatives boosting whole-house retrofits, and trials of business models or interventions that enable households to use more locally generated energy.

The funding is managed by the Energy Savings Trust, and the deadline for applications to this funding round is 5pm on the 15th of January 2025.

Organisations that are not yet registered with the scheme must complete their registration at least 10 working days before the fund closes to allow for eligibility checks.


Useful Links:

Energy Redress registration page

Application Pack and Guidance

13th December 2024