Grant News
UK charities, parent-teacher Associations, and schools can apply for grants to help children and adults suffering severe learning difficulties, including autism.
The funding is being made available through the Baily Thomas General grants programme and can be used to purchase equipment, support capital works, and cover project and core costs.
Previous grants have been used to support:
- capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools
- employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture
- play schemes and play therapy schemes
- day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs
- support for families, including respite schemes
- independent living schemes
- support in the community schemes
- Snoezelen rooms
The Fund does not currently accept appeals from Community Interest Companies.
There are two funding programmes.
The main programme for grants of above £9,000 and a small grants programme for appeals below £9,000
The next deadline for applications for the main programme is the 1st August 2025. Applications to the small grants programme can be made at any time.
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