Grant News

UKRI Seeks Network to Lead Future Internet Development (UK)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is seeking applications from research organisations to create a network that will make the UK a leader in future internet development in the 2030s and 2040s.

This opportunity will fund the creation of NetworkPlus, a platform connecting researchers, policymakers, and others to study the future of the Internet. This will help the UK understand what the internet could be like in the future and make informed decisions about regulating and developing it.

The project's full economic cost (FEC) can be up to £6.5 million. 80% of the FEC up to £5.2 million will be funded.

This opportunity is part of the UKRI’s Creating Opportunities, Improving Outcomes strategic theme.

The deadline for applications is 4pm on the 10th September 2024.

11th July 2024