Grant News

The Royal Countryside Fund Announces New Grant Scheme for 2025 (UK)

The Royal Countryside Fund, which supports farming and rural communities, will launch a new UK-wide Supporting Rural Communities grant programme on 10 January 2025.

The programme will provide grants of up to £25,000 over two years to deliver activities along the themes of:

  • Keep young people in the countryside – support for projects which increase access to skills training and employment opportunities in rural communities, creating greater opportunities for young people to stay, live and work in the countryside
  • Powering up rural communities – support for organisations which aim to provide financial benefits to the locality through developing innovative, replicable projects which address local needs
  • Increasing environmental sustainability – support for community-driven projects which aim to increase the environmental sustainability of their community through reducing emissions/environmental impact
  • Building emergency resilience in rural areas – support for communities to develop preventative measures and plans to respond to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events, helping them to be better prepared to cope with and recover from emergencies

Not-for-profit and community organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 will be eligible to apply.

The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest will be the 21st February 2025.

26th November 2024