Grant News

FCC Scottish Action Fund (Scotland)

Not for profit organisations such as registered charities, community councils, community groups and local authorities can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £40,000 to fund community recycling and biodiversity projects as well as improvements to public amenities, parks and historic buildings.

This includes:

Land Reclamation (Object A)

The reclamation, remediation, restoration or other operation on land to facilitate economic, social or environmental use.

Community Recycling (Object B)

Community based recycling, re-use and waste prevention projects.

Public Amenities and Parks (Object C)

To provide, maintain or improve a public park or other public amenity.

Biodiversity (Object D)

The conservation or promotion of biological diversity through the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat or the maintenance or recovery of a species in its natural habitat.

Historic Buildings (Object E)

The maintenance, repair or restoration of a building, other structure or a site of archaeological interest which is a place of religious worship, or a site of historic or architectural or archaeological interest and is open to the public.

The funding is being made available through the FCC Scottish Action Fund for projects with a maximum cost of £250,000 (including VAT if relevant).

To be eligible most projects must be within 10 miles of an eligible licensed landfill site or transfer station. 

The next closing date for applications will be 5pm on the 7th December 2022.


Useful Links:

Guide for Applicants

Eligible Areas

23rd September 2022