Grant News

Funding to Support the Historic Environment Sector (Scotland)

Third sector organisations across Scotland can apply for multi-year funding to support projects and activities that have a nationwide impact on Scotland’s historic environment sector.

The funding, made available through Historic Environment (HES) Scotland’s Partnership Fund, will support the costs of delivering up to three different areas of activity for up to three years.

Projects funded must align closely with HES strategic priorities.

Activities could include:

  • professional or volunteer training programmes addressing recognised historic environment skills gaps at a national level
  • developmental, advocacy or capacity-building activities
  • outreach activities or learning programmes delivering high-impact outcomes for audiences across Scotland

There is no set limit on funding requests, but each request must demonstrate strong value for money. This includes ensuring an appropriate level of match funding.   As a guide, applicants should aim to request no higher than 50% funding from HES. 

The fund is open to expressions of interest until the 16th August 2024.

Those successful at this stage will be invited to submit a full application by the 13th September 2024.

Useful Links:


14th June 2024