Grant News
Grants of up to £40,000 Available to Help Vulnerable Households Keep their Homes Warm (East Midlands, West Midlands, South West England and South & West Wales)
Grants of £30,000 – £40,000 are available to energy advice providers and community organisations within the National Grid Energy Distribution (NGED) area (East Midlands, West Midlands, South West England and South & West Wales) to help vulnerable households adopt and benefit from low-carbon technologies and smart energy products.
The funding is being made available through the Smart Energy Affordability Fund and supports activities such as:
- Providing in-depth one-to-one advice and support to enable vulnerable households to make their homes warmer and manage their bills.
- Supporting and advising to increase the resilience of vulnerable households to severe winter weather and power cuts.
- Assisting customers in adopting and benefiting from low-carbon technologies in the smart energy transition.
- Identifying new registrants for the Priority Service Register (PSR) and supporting those already registered.
- Targeting services to support households in areas of higher deprivation, at greater risk, and not connected to the gas network.
- Targeting services to support households that have difficulty accessing support due to factors like digital exclusion, rural isolation, or language barriers.
- Collaborating with healthcare providers, other support organisations, and community partners to raise awareness of the links between cold, damp homes and poor physical and mental health.
The fund is administered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
The closing date for applications is midday on Monday, 27 March 2025.
Please visit the Centre for Sustainable Energy's website for more details and to apply. (link below).
Useful Links:
12th March 2025