Grant News

Free Support to Expand Classical Studies in Schools (UK)

Classics for All, a UK-based educational charity that promotes the teaching of classical subjects, is offering free support to UK state schools that want to introduce or expand classical studies. This can be done either as part of the curriculum or as an enrichment/club activity.

Schools will receive mentoring, initial advice, and contributions toward training costs to help them introduce or develop a classical subject sustainably.

The support will enable schools, particularly those in areas of high deprivation, to study Latin, Ancient History, Classical Civilisation and Ancient Greek, often for the first time.

Teachers can receive training in both subject knowledge and pedagogy. 6 hours of training is typically offered for primary schools, Key Stage 3 teachers, and training for extra-curricular clubs; and 6 to 12 hours training for GCSE and A-Level teachers. Training can be spread throughout the year, and can be arranged during the school day or completed as twilight sessions.

Schools must submit their applications by the 1st June 2025 to receive training in the Autumn term.


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6th March 2025